Sketchy Feelings Continued

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Scene 6: Back at the Prophouse

Nico, Tawni, Chad, Zora and Grady are all eating their Fro-Yo.

Sonny rushes into the room with Fro-Yo in her hand.

Sonny: CHAD DY-

Zora: He's safe...THIS time!

Grady: For once, Chip did something GOOD!

Nico: He delivered our Fro-Yo in perfect condition! PERFECT

Tawni: According to him (she looked at Chad with a weirded out expression) YOU were daydreaming about him! Sonny, do NOT daydream about him! Chad is trouble!

Chad: (Smirking at Sonny) Oh, Munroe, your own friends are praising ME!

Sonny: Why would we praise a heart breaker like you!

Chad: Sonny I sai-

Nico: We shall NEVER praise you!

Zora: Yup, it's in the So Random oath and pledge!

Grady: We were simply praising over the fact that um...

Chad: Um what

Tawni: The fact that you're so desperate to have Sonny back that you'll do basically anything!

Everyone but Chad laughs.

Sonny: That is hilarious! (Smiles)

Chad: (Noticed Sonny smiling and smiled) That was a decent joke! But that's coming from the King of yeah!

Sonny: (Mockingly) Yeah

Chad: Yeah

Sonny: Good

Chad: Good

Sonny: Fi-

Tawni, Nico, Grady and Zora: TAKE IT OUTSIDE!

Chad: OKAY!

Sonny and Chad exit the prop house but their screams could still be heard.

Zora: Ugh. Those two are so annoying.

Tawni: Imagine sharing a dressing room with them.

Everyone shivers.

Grady: I thought they'd stay together forever.

Everyone else: Same

Nico: Most couples split at least once. I would know, I've been in plenty is relationships!

Tawni: There's a difference between a relationship and your favorite the pillow you practice kissing on.

Tawni, Grady and Zora: (laughing)

Zora: You're unusually funny today.

Tawni: Today I'm funny...and pretty! I'm always something and pretty though.

Tawni: Moving on, the two leads in my sketch are Bonny and Brad, obviously based off of Sonny and Chad!

Nico: So who plays who?


Grady: Yayyyy. Hahaha! (Sticks tongue out at Nico)

Nico: You're  PLAYING CHIP DIPPER! The enemy, what are you so happy about!

Grady: I don't care, I finally landed a lead role!

Zora: You get the lead in all of our Chad parody sketches!

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