Center Mind

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In Mikey's center mind...

The turtles and the salamandrians got up after a hard fall.

They looked around and saw nothing but the black-and-white-striped land they were standing on.

Suddenly, Sal Commander heard someone talking backwards right behind him.

" There he is!" he exclaimed, pointing to the Mikey talking and walking backwards.

" Actually, that's one of Mikey's different personalities," Donnie pointed out and Raph added," That is his weird side,"

" Who you calling weird?!" a voice boomed from above all of them.

The group looked up and saw a huge angry Mikey, glaring at all of them.

" That must be the angry version of Michelangelo," Mona said and Don nodded in response.

Leo spotted the fat one and started to ask Don," Where is the funny guy? He could probably help us here,"

" Here I am!" a butterfly-winged Mikey shouted.

" I may not help but I can rap for all of you!"

" Oh, for the love of..." Donnie said as Leo tried to refuse the offer and Raph warned," Mikey, do not do that,"

But it was too late. The funny Mikey already set up the music.

" What is this rap thing?" Mona asked and Raph said," It's when you play fast music and you sing with strong lyrics,"

" What is wrong if they rap?" Sal Commander asked but before the turtles could answer, something caught their attention.

Before the four personalities of Mikey could start rapping, two other personalities interrupted them.

The Mikey with a knight armor was a guard Mikey and the one with glasses and a lab coat was a smart Mikey.

" Funny, we have a really urgent emergency!" Guard said in fear.

" The neutrinos will be here sooner or later and we need to warn the inner Michelangelo!"

" They'll be here exactly in 6.7 minutes!" Smart calculated with his smartness.

"'We need this group to warn the inner Michelangelo with us so we may stop the neutrinos!"

" Wait, the inner Mikey doesn't know this?" Raph asked and the personalities nodded in response.

" Where can we find the inner Michelangelo?" Sal Commander asked and then a light showed a door way.

" Of course! Why didn't we think of it?!" Leo exclaimed foolishly.

" Why didn't we check if he was in his imagination?!"

The group tried to open the door but then they don't know how.

Both Smart and Guard didn't know the password, which was ironic cause they lived in Mikey's mind.

" Oh, for the love of..." Donnie said, doing a facepalm.

Then, the three older brothers said all at once," PIZZA!"

Soon, the door opened and they all got sucked into the light of the doorway.


~! XD!

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