Deeper Than Before

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In the Ulixes, the others chatted with each other as Mikey kept eating muffin that Belebome have him.

Suddenly, Donnie noticed that Mikey was eating something from Belebome.

" Mikey," he started to say as he went nearer to his youngest brother.

" Are you sure that muffin is safe to it? Well, come on, that is from Belebome, after all, and you know what he did before,"

" Don't worry, Don. It's an apology muffin and it's so delicious that who can possibly deny this yummy muffin!" Mikey reassured his elder brother as he ate more of the muffin.

Donnie sighed then he went with the others to the holotrainer as Mikey ate the last piece of the muffin.

All of a sudden, the little orange-masked turtle started to feel dizzy as he walked.

" What the?" Mikey said weakly as his vision started to blur.

He got angry as he fainted and said," Belebome..."

Soon, the neutrinos landed on the plastron of Michelangelo and then went inside his body.

But instead of going straight to his brain, they went to his stomach to fetch the teleportation device that Belebome planted on the muffin.


" Get up, Mikey!"

Raph dumped all the water on his unconscious brother but the little turtle seemed to be knocked out.

" What's going, Don?" Leo asked but Donnie turned his head to Fugitoid.

" Oh, me?" Fugitoid asked and Donnie nodded in response.

The fugitive droid scanned Mikey as Mona and Sal Commander went to the others.

" What is going on here? Is there a problem?" Sal Commander asked the group as Fugitoid finished the scan and gasped.

" What is it, Professor?" April asked and Fugitoid said," I believe your brother's mind has been infiltrated by neutrinos,"

" What?!" Casey exclaimed and Mona angrily asked," How did these creatures get on the ship?!"

" What is their purpose in this ship?" Sal Commander added angrily.

" The neutrinos are inside the mind Michelangelo," Fugitoid explained to them.

" They are here to destroy his inner self but they are much deeper than they have been before,"

" They have already infiltrated the mind Michelangelo?" Mona asked and Raph said," Yeah, they did,"

" But now," Donnie said in a worried expression.

" We need backup. Can you guys help us save our little brother?"

Mona and Sal Commander agreed then Fugitoid led the others to the same room as they went to when they had to save Mikey before.


Mikey is in big trouble again! Oh, no! Oh, dear! Comments, people!

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