Into His Memories

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This should be good. Enjoy!


Once again, Leo, Raph and Donnie hooked up in the machine again but this time, with Mona and Sal Commander.

Soon, April got them inside Mikey's memories.

" Don't worry, guys," she said once they were all inside.

" We'll go to the same path as last time. The neutrinos are not yet here so try to remember where you went before,"

" How can we remember?" Leo asked worriedly and then a voice exclaimed," We're going on an adventure!"

" That's Mikey!" Raph said.

The whole group ran towards the sound of the voice and saw Mikey in an elf costume.

" We must be getting close to his center mind," Donnie said but then Mona complained," Why are we even in a smelly sewer?!"

" This is actually our home," Leo told them and Sal Commander asked," Do you not get annoyed by the smell?!"

" We do but we lived here ever since we were little," Raph explained to the salamandrians.

" Guys! Over there!" Donnie said, pointing to a manhole cover.

They all climbed the ladder and expected the street but it wasn't at all.

Instead, they were in April's farmhouse, the second part of Mikey's wacky memories.

" Man, I miss the farmhouse so badly," Leo said, looking around.

" This is even better than the sewers," Mona said then something caught Sal Commander's attention.

" Is that you, Donatello?" he asked the purple-masked turtle, pointing to a memory of Bigfoot feeding Donnie popcorn.

Leo and Raph laughed as Donnie turned red in embarrassment and angrily stated," Don't. Ask."

The group looked everywhere for a way out of the farmhouse but the only way out was the window.

" Wanna give it a shot?" Donnie asked and the group nodded.

They opened the window and gasped as they saw that there was no landing platform.

" Well, it's now or never," Leo said then he jumped out of the window.

" Hey, wait for us!" Raph angrily called out as he jumped out of the window as well.

The others followed him as they started to fall.


" I finally got them into the center mind," April said as she rested her aching head.

" You sure this is gonna work, Fugidude?" Casey asked them and Fugitoid said," It has to work,"


Well, is this good or bad?

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