Sending The Neutrino

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Chapter 1-Sending The Neutrinos

Hope you like this one! XD


The ninja turtles, their friends and Fugitoid parked the Ulixes on the parking of Zayford's Cantina then they went inside.

Once again, the group needed information on the Triceratons from Vrax Belebome.

Yet this time, he was delighted to see them.

To give him some privacy with Fugitoid, the others were glad that they have stumbled across their salamandrian friends, Mona Lisa and Sal Commander.

Raph was the most delighted of all of them as he and Mona chatted together.

Mikey smirked with Leo and Donnie as they saw the two chat.

The rest of the group just talked to Sal Commander.

To the group's surprise, Fugtoid called out," Michelangelo, I need you here,"

Mikey was confused yet he still went to Fugitoid and Belebome.

" What's up?" he asked and Belebome smirked.

He reached in for something then pulled out a muffin saying," This is to apologize for what happened before,"

Still confused yet thankful, Mikey accepted the gift then he and Fugitoid went to the others.

" Hey, guys," Raph said once they were all there.

" Mona and Sal Commander's ship is broken so can they ride with us while we fix their ship?"

Fugitoid agreed then they all went to the Ulixes.

As they left, Belebome smirked evilly, called the neutrinos and told them," Wait for the signal. It's just in that little muffin that I have him and I know that Michelangelo can't resist the muffin,"

He hung up and laughed evilly at his wicked plan.

" Mwuhahahahaha!"


Please tell me if this is good or not and be honest but no flames.

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