A Fresh Start

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"Wake up Yuki!" A voice cut through the darkness. I cracked open my eyes to see who was trying to shove the sun directly into my eyes. I was ready to lick their blood off of my fingers for breakfast after I sacrificed them to my bed, the holy deity.
"Whoa there tiger!" That voice. It sounded... familiar. I glared at the aggressor. It was only Hirona, my nursemaid. Hirona had been with my family for about 14 years, more or less.
"No." I said simply. I pulled the covers back over my head, resolving to go to sleep. "Yuki." She said sternly. "Today is your first day of school. Now wake up!"
She pulled off the comforter, opened the blinds, and pushed me off the bed. "Okay..." I mumbled.


"Bye Yuki! Have a good first day! Make new friends!" Hirona yelled. She acted as if that wasn't the only reason I was going to this new school.
I tried to remember the name of the school I was going to. Aaron? Aardvark? Canon? Ourno? Oh yeah. Ouran. Since it was a few blocks away, there was no need to use a Limo, but I wouldn't want to anyway.
As the school came into view, I gasped a little bit. It was gaudier than this thing I was wearing that they called a dress. Then I saw the people. 'Alright, mask on.' My face composed into a mask with no emotion. As I neared the high school building, I saw a group of girls reading books.
I was nearing the book readers when I heard squealing. My gaze drifted to the direction of the sound and I noticed a group of boys walking around, with a clique of squealing girls following. 'Boys. I should have known.' I thought.
Finally, I reached the girls who were reading. There were five girls, all reading different books. I stared at them for a bit, waiting for them to notice me.
      After a while, they all looked up. A petite girl with hazel eyes and dirty blonde hair in a pixie cut, who was reading something called Magyk spoke. "Can I help you?" She sounded irritated. "Oh. I was wondering if you could tell me where I can get my schedule." My voice sounded disembodied, and empty, like it wasn't mine.
      The girls looked at each other, nodding and grinning.  It looked like a psychic conversation. The pixie cut girl looked at me, and smiled. "Beluga." She said in a serious voice. "Pardon?" I wasn't sure I had heard right. "Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Baluga!"
     At this, they all began laughing. "What is the purpose of this word?" I asked, perplexed by this unusual display. One by one, they calmed down. "It's for fun!" A girl with glossy black hair said. "I forgot! I will introduce us! I'm Zahra, and I'm staying with Hannah!" She gestured towards pixie cut. I found out that Hannah was the daughter of a major person in the video game industry. The others were Nayeli, Izzi, and Allora. Allora cut into the life story of Izzi and announced that the lobby was to the right. As I speed walked off, I heard Hannah yell about music room 3. Oh well.

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