chapter 41

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Bella POV

After I took on all the new information from the newborn vampires that ran away from Edward I knew what I had to do so I sat down in the battle plan. Because I really wanted to make sure I had everything is covered and now that I know what he was planning and I'm going to use these three as secret weapons hopefully he won't catch on that they're gone because I don't want him to go after and trying to destroy them now because I'm using the secret weapons that because they did the right thing they are not going against the Volturi they are not doing anything that they shouldn't do they're just want to live a normal life and follow the rules that never has to be vampires but now that they are least they're willing to accept this new life

Bree- I can't believe that you actually let us on your land and brought us to the Volturi to talk to him about everything

Bella - there's a reason why I did that because you guys are only trying to live your life for me you don't want to go up against them you want to follow the rules and you said your brother Hunt animals that hunt humans but and what was making you all hunting but you said you guys were sneaking off and hunting animals I can tell

Bree- why put an innocent person's life at risk there was no way I was going to do with that I've known people in my life that would not want their life taken away if I had 200 human it would be a criminal or somebody that had no real reason to live or something like that or someone that was Dunkin Donuts or something like that if I had hunt humans it would be criminals or someone that was dying and will not live to make it through you know what I mean I wouldn't take away someone's life just like that and if I took away someone's life is over and it was denying it was a mercy killing because they were in so much pain and torture you want I mean I wouldn't never let the person suffer I'm not that type of person never once I mean I ran away from home and everything because my parents didn't want me and treat me right I was looking for a better life you know what I mean but I didn't expect my life to take this turn

Bella - what age are you breathe like what age were you when you  trued

Bree- I just turned 16 years old and now look at 16 year old Runaway

Bella - you do know that if everything is done and over with you can either stay with the Volturi are the  Cullen's will take you in

Bree- ya that a good idea because it will better then be alone  because all I everyone out of my life was a loving caring family that's why I ran away because my father was a drunk and mother was always getting hind ship and my older brother ran away two years prior he was going to come back and get me but something happened that you went missing well after that I just left when I turned sixteen because I didn't want to deal with this s*** anymore I'm just trying to figure things out you know but I guess my life is going to be totally different now because I'm not human anymore just wondering how my gonna deal with this

Aro- you will learn young Bree because that's what this world is about we're going to teach you I mean you're all very new newborn how long have you been one

Bree- how about 3 or 4 weeks but I still value  human life I don't want to see anybody get hurt

Aro- we can tell because you broke away and came looking for us to try to tell  and everything so we know you have good intentions and we thank you cuz now we can come up with a better strategy which is what the Bella  here is working on

Bree - but I do wonder what's going to happen if they noticed that were on gone

Bella - please do what we can to protect you guys your two friends are old enough to go on and do their own thing as no man's I mean they're in their twenties but you're probably on the child or they could find covens of the own and see what you want out life is not to much all you need is a loving family

Aro- that's what you'll have if she chooses to be with the  Cullen's of the Volturi but just so you know I think you're more comfortable around here than you would be in Italy so you're probably better off with the Cullen's cuz they could help you blend in right now but when the time is right if we ever want you to come to the Volturi will let you know but right now they can teach you how to settle into this world

Carlisle - that is definitely something that we can do for you young  Bree teach you about this world and we are grateful that you're ready to who stand for what's right and stuff does everything that you have told us will help us in this battle and they're supposed to be here in 2 days but from what you said they'll be taking an extra day or two because they wanted to stop and Hunt extras that what you said

Bree- yes because they want to be at their strongest but I think that no matter what they do they do not expect you to have your Shields and stuff Bella so that is the best thing to have has no clue that I have that I am able to pick up on his thoughts sometimes I don't know why but I feel like I got a radar in my head or something

Carlisle - maybe we should check with her and see if there's anything more about your abilities because if you have a power and might come quite in handy

think that everything we were talking about what Bree   was right we need to prepare for when the time comes

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