chapter 40

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Bella POV

We are headed back to mine Embry Place because I was having a meeting with the rest of the pack because I wanted to make sure everything was going to be ok when the time came for the battle of the next two days after practicing this evening has no one of their on the way with the newborn army they have to be stopped I'm trying to keep up with this and I can't and planning my wedding on top of it there's a lot to deal with right now so good to know that the Volturi is here to help as well

Jane - you do know they're going to help you through this Bella your pack is not family because the imprints between Jacob and I and Leah and my brother

Aro- when she saying to you about that is correct the Volturi and your Wolfpack Cornell family along with the along with the Cullens we will all stand by you and help you along with the rest of it we are one happy family we will bring peace keep everybody safe like people think we are tyrants but we are not we are showing people that time and time again that we only hunt animals and criminals

Bella - I know that and I'm just thankful that I have all you guys like Sam said Alpha is only good as strong as the people behind them

Sam- exactly I was able to be there I have the proper people behind me and you have people people behind you you just need to be able to focus and know that we're all here to help you I'm too weak to be the alpha because of what went on when I was kidnapped and Jacobs too weak to be the beta yes we're strong enough to fight with you but will never be strong enough to lead again

Bella - I know that that's why I want to be able to focus and come up with a good strategy for when we head out there I want to be the pair with my shield and everything he has no clue that I have those Shields and he has no idea that he can't read my mind because I'm feeling everybody here he has no idea that I can physically Shield Us in the battle as well and it's a good thing that you guys are getting the Denali coven down to help us that would be great along with some others the more help the better we definitely need to make sure this is done and over with I know one thing we all better hunt the ones that need to hunt ideas and make sure we're already know we're all focused on the priority of head because right now my priority is protecting my tribe protecting the people here and doing what I have to do like I said no more me doubting myself I also want to make sure that my children are safe those babies and I still have to come up with a name for them yet I haven't had a chance but I will soon as this battle is over we have to focus to make sure they're safe first

Embry - I will definitely sure they're safe baby trust me nothing's going to hurt my children and you you may be the alpha I'll just pack but I am here in print and I have to be strong for you just like you have to be strong for everyone you have to have someone is going to be in your corner and the whole pack is going to be in your corner

Leah - he's right you don't have to do this alone we're all here for you and just remember that's what families 4 pack as one family we're all family here the Volturi Cullen's everybody is on your side as your family

Bella - I know you guys are absolutely right about that we're going to do what we have to do and we're going to pull it off and do the best thing and like I said we all have to be prepared so tonight everybody do one last Patrol check everything you're going to need it tomorrow we're getting everything ready for the battle because the day after we fight the repair of what he kind of weather be prepared for whatever they throw at us because we are not backing down


Meanwhile Edward POV

I was leaving my newborn Army to back to work so hopefully everything will work we'll meet up there I am definitely going to get the power I need an overthrow the Volturi and rule the world you'll never have to answer to love again we can be crazy so I caught it and make people are slaves we can do whatever we want it's all about the power I kept thinking that over and over in my head a little did I know though that there was a couple newborns they were planning on leaving and I don't know why I just pray and Hope did they don't you try the defect and warn the rest

Bree POV

My name is Bree I'm a newborn and part of this Army I do not want to be here I'm going to escape and warn the Volturi I am not going to stand against them I think they have a right to know the whole stint of this plan and I gotta get away without him knowing who discovered the fact that I can hide my thoughts which is good so he doesn't know that I'm planning to defect or anything like that me and a couple of others are going to try and get away I just pray and hope we can pull it off because we do not want to be part of the battle if we can get some less information to them we might be able to help the wolves and Volturi more I believe they're doing the right thing by keeping the supernatural world and the new world separate cuz we never had to live in fear I understand that the military is doing the right thing but this guy is psycho that when he was not looking me and my two friends took off running

Bella POV

I was on one last Patrol making sure everything was OK when I saw three new ones come up to the tree line but they were holding a white flag they asked if they could talk they said that they were created by Edward but they did not want to stay with him when they were with him they said they knew the whole battle plan his strategy they want to tell us to make it safe for us so we can have a heads up they really didn't want to be part of this world they were turned against their will and I knew he would be devious to do something like that they only wanted to live normal lives and that because of them they cannot be the normal people They once were and they do not want others to go through that and ask them what their names was one of the things that her name was Bree hopefully everything that she and the other two told us is all going to help because the more we know of it over in his plan the better

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