chapter 21

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Embry POV

I now getting ready to set things up for my beautiful Bella because she needs it to get a chance to get her head back into the game I just she needs to have some TLC and have some time to regroup

She is sleeping right now and as I was just about to go and check on her .but I heard noise outside I walked and I saw Seth and Jard carrying a very weak sam and Jacob and I could not not believe it that they are safe and sound

Embry - how in the hell did you guys find them

Seth- we were doing well Bella told us to do keeping an eye out for everything and trying to listen in to Victoria and Edward on their conversation and we follow them for a bit and then we saw where they had them hide and when we heard that Edward and Victoria are going hunting we waited to make sure they are gone we change back to human and we walked in and found out a very weak sam and Jacob but it good a thing that they are alive

Embry - which is good how are you guys holding up

Sam- we're still very weak but hopefully everything will be okay in time for the battle but we're not going to be able to get back to me the pack but will be able to lead the pack like I used to so that still going to have to be the new law for a job which is Bella where is she

Embry - she's been overdoing it so she's taking a nap because I made her I tell you I didn't make it take a nap God only knows if she would be at Full Steam out when the time comes for the battle she's taking her job is as Alpha to the tilt I mean she's really stepped up since you went missing

Sam- good it runs in her veins anyways so she is really meant to be Alpha anyway so she's going to be doing it I'm going to go and fit into mine and Emily's if that's okay I really need to see her

Seth - I'll take you there why did you take Jacob home and then we'll come back and touch base with you again in a minute then figure out what to do tomorrow we have another meeting so what you going to do tonight but I think these guys should just rest until tomorrow

Embry - that a really good idea and tonight I'm going to spend a special night with Bella because what I'm going to do tonight is everybody else in the back knows but you two don't because you're missing I'm popping the question to her

Sam- we definitely hope she says yes because I found out that she imprinted on you and vice versa so good luck man

Jacob - man I wonder if I'll ever find my imprint

Seth - yeah I used to feel the same way I found I believe her or not that's Bella's friend Angela and Paul imprinted her friend Jessica

Jacob - that good ( just then Jacob took notice of Jane on the other side of the Treaty line it was like he was seeing the Sun for the first time he could not move) guys I think this is going to be kind of strange but I think I just imprinted on Jane Volturi

Embry - wow another on imprinted on in member of the Volturi because Leah imprint on Alec Volturi

Sam- well we're going to have to figure out how they can come on the land so what are they doing for now

Embry - Bella building a cabin in between both sides of the Treaty line that way they don't come on to her and until we need them just be on the safe side good thing though they only hunt animals in criminals because they're doing is really bad as people think they are

Sam- good we'll see what things happen out tomorrow anyways get some rest good luck with that tonight when you go to pop the question

Embry -im looking forward to my night with Bella and I hope that she will say yes

Jacob - if I know my cousin and she will say yes because I can tell your there when she needs you so you got this I'm going to be in the missing for a couple of months I need my bed

Embry - ya you guys go and see your families

And with that they left and I went inside feeling good that seth and Jard
Found sam and Jacob when they did but there in bad shape shape it's going to take them awhile to get their stamina back so I just hope well at least they can be reunited tonight with their loved ones

And now I need to go and get my babe because I want this to go just right and be perfect because if I'm going to propose to her I wanted to be the best and I want her to know how much I love you and I'm glad that you and the rest of her family have many blessings because this is the best thing I can do right now is my baby on top of the world when I ask Paul about it I felt like he was going to kill me cuz he just found out that she's his sister but he was like come on man you're her soulmate so go ahead that made me feel a lot better I just pray and hope that she's willing to say yes but everybody says she will I'm just praying and hoping that I can do it right


Bella POV

After a nice long nap my baby was right I needed that and I really need to sleep I just wish he was lying down next to me but then he said he was planning something very special for us tonight but I don't know what it is sometimes I just wonder how romantic and Embry call can really be

I walked downstairs to fine soft music and everything play I'm going to walk to the kitchen to see a romantic candles one of my favorite is Mexican food from my favorite restaurants of course it had to be her friend because he can't cook but that's the thought and then I looked around and noticed that he had a fire going in the fireplace and everything I look to see where my father was my brother was there and neither one of them was around because they're both gone somewhere he told me that Paul went to Jessica's because he wanted to see her for a little while and my dad's working late

Bella -babe this is beautiful thank you

Embry - well you're absolutely welcome and you deserve it come here baby you are the Alpha and always taking care of everybody else but you never take care of yourself tonight is all about you and me just relaxing enjoying each other's company as a couple of you and there's something I really want to ask you( gets down on one knee) Isabella Marie Swan will you marry me

Bella - Yes baby love you so much and it good to hear some good news for a change

Embry - will have some more good news for you but you still have to be the offer because they're too weak but Sam and Jacob our home seth and Jard found them the party tomorrow because right now they're getting some rest and everything and we'll have a big meeting about that then let's concentrate on ourselves tonight but I just thought you had a right to know your home safe and sound but you still have to be the alpha they said because you'll never be strong enough for that again

I can't believe me too baby just asked me to marry him and now my cousin and Sam are back safe and sound thank God but I still have to be the Alpha because they're too weak but at least we know they're alive and they're still can be part of the pack they just can't have the power of these two because of how weak they got but I understand that thank God you're home safe I think things are finally looking up but we still have the power of the battle that time we got something good in our time of need I wonder what my baby has in store for tonight because it seems like he's going all it was how romantic is being God I love Embry so much let's see what happens

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