chapter 29

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Bella POV

After I found out I was pregnant and everything and then I went to find out how far along I am I from Carlisle you told me that I'm about a couple of weeks so that's not too bad they told me I need to take it easy and everything but he knows I have to do my duties as well so you told me to watch it or what's going on because of Edward finds out I'm pregnant he can use that as a weakness against me

Somewhere anywhere with everything Carlisle is going to be the one to help me with the pregnancy and that I don't want nothing to go wrong and everything I need someone I can trust and everything and then so when the time comes for me to give her that he'll be ready to help he told me though that where are werewolf I'm going to have the babies he told me they're going to be a lot stronger he told me I'm having more than one I'm going to have to be mentally prepared when the time comes

Right now I'm on patrol and everything making sure everything I am not alone though because I told the whole pack about me being pregnant so they all want to make sure I'm safe and sound so we make sure I have somebody with me just to be on the safe side right now I'm currently on patrol with quill

Bella - you have not picked up anything yet have you

Quill - anything yet but they're definitely up to something mean he seems to be laying low for a bit so you never know when he's going to be ready to hit his move right

Bella - yeah that's what about Volturi on the way to help out and they're going to be able to give us some more knowledge I want to do you have to be sure everything is okay let me go up against does a newborn Army and if their knowledge and Jasper's lunch in the training we're going to do should be able to stop  Edward. And  Victoria without any problems

Quill - which I think is a really good idea anyway right now I'm going to run ahead of it are you sure you're okay rest area close here on the border line I just want to make sure there's nothing too far out there because even though you're the alpha but where you're pregnant I don't think you should go too far out this way some use here it is in case

Bella - yeah I understand what you're saying in that and I'm not the only one out here with you I think someone else is watching and I know who it is you're hiding in your wolf form bro overprotective

Paul - I can't help it if I'm worried about my little sister okay I know that you're pregnant and everything now and I just want to make sure you're OK cuz Jessica got really worried she wanted me to check in on you she really does care about you when she was one of your best friends you know that

Bella - yeah I know you're saying if you want to run ahead and check out her other work will go ahead because Paul is staying here with me just to make sure everything's okay but double check the printer while you ahead

Quill - Yuka I'm on the way already be back shortly

And with that he ran head I have a bad feeling that Edward is going to fine out that  I'm pregnant and try to use that against me pray and hope you don't though I found out awhile ago though that I am a physical and mental Shield so that should be able to help me which is good I found out that even though I'm a werewolf sometimes a werewolf could have gifts Carlisle told me that or a shape-shifter in my case because it doesn't mean I have to be at work right I'm not the type of the children in the moon you know what I mean something is up I'm definitely going to make sure that he don't try to use the fact that I'm not pregnant again Edward is definitely going to try and find my weakness


Carlisle POV

It is a good thing that the Volturi is on the way to help us out and everything
Because I did not want anything to happen to anybody around here ever it has changed so much to find out that he is actually Victoria's meet and all I ever really want it was power I can't believe when I created him he would turn out to be this way he is not the boy that I thought could be the Sun but I need it he's definitely played us for fools for years and now that I know that Bella is pregnant I'm definitely going to have to keep a close eye on her and I think we should teach her to use her Shields because that way she might be able to protect yourself more because if I find out that Albert finds out that she's pregnant she might try to use that against her for sure

Just then there was a knock at the door I opened it and there stood Aro Volturi with his guard

Carlisle - come inside my old friend how are you doing

Aro - I am doing very well has it  Edward. this Victoria try to make their move yet

Carlisle - not yet but Bella and her wolf pack are keeping a close eye on him to make sure nothing all happened I keep going down to the reservation to make sure that the to that had kidnap for a while are doing better they're not going to be strong enough to leave the back like they used to so Bell is still in charge

Aro - yes that's what that is now like family to us as well considering the voltari twins got imprinted on

Carlisle - yes we're thinking that Edward and Victoria may be making a move very soon we don't know for sure though so we're thinking about starting practicing our drills and everything in that for getting prepared for battle we're going to have to make sure everything is good knowing the fact that I found out that Bella is a physical and mental Shield I think she should use that in the battle to protect her and the babies that she is carrying

Aro - yes we do not want them to have to use that against her and try to destroy her and her two children we will be here to help you guide you all the way we are not the tyrants the people think we are it's just there's so many people out there to make up lies and try to overthrow us that is ridiculous

Exact moment I knew he was right however it is not the man I thought he used to be he is not the sun I thought he was and I will definitely not let anything happen to Bella and her wolf pack they are friends they are family and all we are trying to do is keep the assistance of the supernatural worlds away from humans and keep people safe that is not too much

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