chapter 39

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Embry POV

We are all in the clearing practicing for the Battle of getting ready for when the time comes one way or another we are going to stop Edward with the help of the other Cullen we will and it. Is a good thing there on are side and I'm looking forward to putting a stop to  Edward once and for all

Bella - what you think about baby

Embry - that it a good thing we are working on taking Edward down because we can't let him try and rule the world

Bella - and we will do it because this needs to end before it to late and I'm going to do everything in my power as lead of this pack and I'm going to show him that I'm the Alpha and boss he going down and we will all be ready and willing to win because this is something we must stop

Sam - see I told you that you got to pay it for you and you can do this remember Alpha always as good as he or she pack don't let anybody bring you down to Ginger you are strong don't let the fact that you're a woman and have it at you I told you to be the alpha because I need you to do this and you're next in line trusting your instincts I may not be strong enough to be the off anymore Jacob is not strong enough to be the beta anymore and you and the rest of the pack got this

Bella - thanks Sam I need to hear that

Can help watch my beautiful Bella and Sam talk he was right everything you said to her she's got this she's Alpha for a reason and there's no way she's going to let anybody bring her down again I can tell I love her so much and I'm going to stand by her she has a whole pack her father has the kids everybody else in her family she knows that we love her and we all stand by her and that's what she needs right now I will do everything in my power to protect her she is my
Imprinted after all and I'm doing this for her because i love her


Meanwhile Edward POV

Me and my baby are getting ready to make are move and   I'm looking forward to it because I want the power and I'm going to get if the last thing I do

Victoria- everybody's waiting for us to make our move is going to take awhile to get back to Forks around la push I just pray and hope that we can pull everything off baby and you really don't think she's going to be there I mean after having children but then again she could be stubborn you don't know

Edward - well if she is stubborn enough to be there then we'll only have to fight her and tell her down just like all the rest I will have the power I will overthrow the Volturi I will rule the world I will not let anybody have peace we will get her way

Victoria - I love it when you talk that way because that's one major turn on come on baby let's get ready and go for going to make it through I love you

Edward - me too my love that's one thing I will never cheat on me I will never play you for a fool I can do other people because it's true you are the one for me this is just my way of getting what we need you understand that right we will play many people if we have to take over this world or should we humans get to live in peace when we can have everything

With that thought in mind we all left to head off let's hope everything goes the way I have planned but something is telling me it might not I don't know why just like she's prepared but how I can't read her thoughts so I don't know what's going on there's more power there's got to be something I cannot seem to break the barrier in the mind of any member of the pack but what is stopping me have to be prepared if they don't know what I'm doing today I don't know why all the sudden I'm second-guessing myself but it's like they're probably being on guard with this will never know that I'm coming with a newborn Army right or what they 1 things we'll find out when the time comes I guess


Bella POV

He's probably thinking we have no clue what's going on probably trying to read our minds and has no clue why he can't do it for one thing's for sure I am going to be strong and I'm going to be the alpha of this tribe needs and I'm going to protect every member of forks and every member of la push one way or another with the help of the Cullen's and everybody else is going to help us stop him we are going to bring Edward down

The time's come for us to do this there's no fooling around there's no going back has to be done and I've been chosen to be the alpha for a reason I just pray and hope that everything and all the strength that I have is enough the pack Believes In Me I just need to believe in myself no more negativity time I actually step up and do what I have to be after all and Alpha and it Sam the rest of the pack believe in me and this time I believe in myself

The Cullen' we believe in you Bella

When they said that that's all I need it as long as I have the people that matters believing in me and knowing that we can keep the world safe keep everybody from being put in danger then we're going to this stops now let's just hope when the war starts we can be ready just what I was thinking although Alice had a vision there on the way she told us I guess this is it be prepared when they get here they're sticking with two days together she said the next two days will be ready

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