What Was That

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Aph's POV:

"What just happened?!" Katelyn asked, rather loudly.

"Nothing!" I said, bouncing off to class.


After school I headed to walk home, then I heard a voice.

"Shu!" A distant voiced yelled, I knew it was Aaron.

I turned around to see him running.

I put my hand on my hip and smirked, "just couldn't stay away, could we?"

He stopped running and glared, then grinned and walked closer to me. "Obviously."

I laughed, and unknowingly blushing.

"Can I walk home with you?"

"Sure!" I said, quite preppy.

We walked all the way to my house and stopped, we had been talking the whole time.

"You better go before my mom sees you..." I sighed.

"Yeah..." He laughed yet sighed, "bye Shu."

"Bye FC..."

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