Aphmau in Arms

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Garroth seemed embarrassed at school, sure, I had just friendzoned him but still... He knew that I didn't like him like that.

"Watch it!" Aaron growled at Balto.

"Oh, Aaron! I'm soooooo sorry! I should have known better! Silly me!"

Aaron rolled his eyes, "just move." He shoved past Balto, he was headed in my direction.

"Move potato," he said.

The girl with the pink hair came up to me, "we need to talk!"

"Umm, sure-" she dragged me into the locker room.


School had just ended.

"Hey!" I shrieked.


"What are you talking about?! You can't even say his name right, and I don't like him that way!"

"Oh please, you wish you were as good as me so Garroth would kiss you and beg for you."

"Yeah, only if you knew." I mumbled under my breath, I laughed.

"Do you think this is funny?!" She shoved me into a opened locker.

"Wait, no!"

I heard them run off.

"Nonononono..." I mumbled, I still used a nightlight in my room. At lease there was a sliver of light shining through the grate.

I would be here for a while.

Aaron's POV:

I had just gotten out of the shower, I was walking to my locker. I slowly opened it to find a girl inside, she fell right on top of me.

"What the-" I stopped myself, "A-Aphmau?!"

She looked dead, my eyes widened.

Shiitttttttt, is she alive?! Oh wait, nevermind, she's breathing...

It had still not occurred to me that she was still in my arms.

"Hnnggg..." She wheezed, she then wrapped her arms around me.

I was bright red, I had just also noticed I was shirtless, with Aphmau on top of me.

Her eyes fluttered, she yawned, she opened her eyes then closed them. Her grip suddenly tightened, then she stopped. Her eyes popped open and she stared right at me. She looked down at herself and then back up to me, we were frozen.

"Max! I hear someone!" I heard the coach yell, I dived into one of the huge lockers with Aphmau, Coach would kill anyone if he found them here.

She was now even closer to me, her head, buried in my chest.

Coach walked around, tapping all the lockers shut, completely, meaning we were locked in.

"All clear!" He screamed, making us jump.

(At first I accidentally wrote 'hump' instead of 'jump'... I wouldn't mind that if I was Aaron.😉)

"Aaron. What are you doing...?" She was trying not to freak out.

"I'm saving our a-" she cut me off.

"Stop swearing!" She whisper-yelled.

"Fine, I was saving our 'butts'. You happy?"

"Yes..." She breathed, "but why are we in here?!"

"I would ask you the same question! You were in MY locker!"


All of the sudden the wall behind her crumbled a bit. The wall separated the lockers.

We both fell, this time I was on top of her.

Even in the darkness, I could tell her face was red.

"Aaron..." She huffed, she was out of breath.

"Sorry." I mumbled, trying to stand, "I don't have my phone so I can't call anyone..."

She yawned again, "whatever, just stay on your side of the lockers..."

"Wait, what?" My eyes widened, "you're going to sleep, just like that?! Even after all this?!" I motioned between us.

"I'm. Tired." She said, she slumped down to the floor.

She scooted as far away as she could, I slumped down, away from her. Our knees were still touching.

"This is very uncomfortable." She mumbled, sighing.

"Well it's not my ideal night either!"

She stared at me, "whatever..." She leaned back, hitting her head. "Owe..." She mumbled.

I had an idea, it was crazy and pervy but I was cold and uncomfortable.

I waited till she drifted off and scooted her towards me, as a blanket, she was warm. I didn't have to do anything, she practically climbed into my lap, resting her head on my shoulder. She had made a little pillow out of her jacket so I placed that behind me. I slid back down to the floor of the locker and rested my head on the pillow, Aphmau in arms.

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