Meeting Him

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Aph's POV:

I saw Laurence over by the lockers with Michi. I followed my instincts and started to walk over.

"Hey Laurence!"

He looked at me.
He started to walk off.

"H-hey, are you going to eat lunch with me?"

"I'd rather not, I've got better things to do."

He turned and walked away.


I then went to search for Garroth, finding him outside.

"Hey! Garroth!" I ran up to him.

He looked down at the ground.

"You too?" I said, sighing.

"Aph, I-"

"Come on Garroth! We have to get to practice!" Dante said, running over. When he saw me he gave Garroth a sad look.

"Bye Aph..."

You too...?

I was scared, and confused. I ran all the way to the music room.

I heard the similar sound of the guitar and walked over to the door. Once there, I slid down to the ground.

"H-hello...?" I said, it sounded more like a whimper.

"Go away."

"B-but I-"

"Please..." The voice sounded sad.

"I-I know I only come to you for help but please-I have nobody to talk to..."

The voice sighed.

"I'm sorry...but I can't right now..."

I looked down and started to cry. I grabbed my phone and messaged FC.

                                Shu: Hey, FC? I really need you right now, I'm sorry if you're in class...

FC: No, it's fine... Are you okay, Shu?
                             Shu: I think I did something really bad and I don't know what it was... To more than one person...

FC: It can't be that bad.

"Hey, are you getting texts?"

The sudden voice scared me.



FC: Did you hear that?!

                             Shu: H-hear what?!

FC: The knocking!
                          Shu: I'm going to knock three times....


Someone threw open the door; it was Aaron.

"You!" We said in unison.

"No, no, no, no, no, no! I can't deal with this!" I started to run off.

He grabbed my arm.

"Shu- I..." He said.

"FC- please..."

"No matter what, you are my Shu. In person, or in game."

"FC, I-"

"Please, don't cry..."


He hugged me.

"FC, thank you so much." I giggled and hugged him tighter.

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