Gaara's Neko Chapter 7

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I know that it’s been some time since I last woke up.

I don’t know if I’m breathing or not.

I don’t know if anyone’s with me.

I see a man’s back, before being struck with a lot of pain.

Something snaps, like a rubber band, and I wake up.

Shaking slightly, I turn over.

Temari is hovering over me, Gaara is standing next to the foot of the bed.

“What can I do for you Miss, Master-sama?”

“Nothing, but you were crying out in your sleep, so Gaara came to get me.”

“Ah.  Thank you, Master-sama.”



“Call me Gaara.”

“Yes, Gaara-sama.”

He sighs, but says nothing.

“We’re going to Konoha in two days.  You’ve been sleeping a lot.”

“My apologies.”

“No, you’re fine.”

“…Miss, what does Kankuro’s room look like now?”

She chuckles.

“Surprisingly, it’s clean, he refuses to mess up what may be your last work.  Or, something like that.”

A ghost of a smile touches my lips, my eyes closed.

“Can’t kill me that easily, tell him to mess all he wants.  I’ll be fine in a moment.”

I struggle to get out of bed, shaking.

My muscles are all twitching against me.

Temari straitens.

“I’ll leave you be, then.”

I smile softly at her as she leaves.

My legs are trembling from standing again.

I feel a hand on my waist, and jump.

Gaara is standing next to me, holding me up.

I smile in gratitude, then try to stand alone again.

“You must be pretty bored, to spend time with me.”

“No, you are the only one who doesn’t stop fear from letting you spend time with me.  I can’t afford to loose my maid either.”

Even when he’s joking, he uses his emotionless voice.

“I wasn’t kidding.  You’d need some old ritual or another to kill me.  Unless I kill myself.  But I don’t know why I haven’t yet.”

I lean on him completely.

“You don’t weigh very much, you should eat more.  You may die of starvation otherwise.”

“I’m not hungry often.  Your eyes… they are amazing to look at, if you pay any attention to the details.  Your eyes say things about you.  You are beautiful, if people look inside.  Your eyes say you are hurt.  Like an abused animal, they say that you need…  It’s gone.  I can only do it for a little.”

He watches me, silently.

“How can you read people’s eyes?”
“Eyes talk."

He pulls me to the bed, and makes me lay down while he sits next to me.

I struggle back up, and eventually he just holds me down, so I can’t escape.

“I’ll stay here until you sleep.”

I sigh, but try to sleep anyways.

When I close my eyes, I see a silhouette of a man.

“Welcome to your life, little girl.”

He disappears, and I am bound to the wall.

Even as I struggle to get away, I see Kankuro shackled to the floor.

I was scared.

The puppet master was one of the strongest Ninja I knew.

But here he was, helpless.

Some shadows in the shape of men came in.

They started torturing him, like people do to me.

By the time they were done, he didn’t have eyes anymore.

Or limbs.

He couldn’t even scream anymore.

His blood was in a pool around him.

It was an evil crimson color.

It should be lighter, if it’s this dark…

That’s his lifeblood on the floor.

Despite how horrible it already is, they made it worse.

Even as he was dieing, they cut off his head.

As that horrible image disappeared, Temari showed up.

She was shackled down too.

They did the same thing to her.

I was screaming.

I didn’t know until just now, but I have been screaming.

And I was screaming louder when they brought Gaara in.

They did the same thing to him.

But he was facing me, and in his eyes…

He blamed me, hated me.

And then I woke up.

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