Chapter Six

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"Leave the horses here. We continue on foot." "What's the plan my lady?" "Once inside the mountains, we only observe. I want to see how many lycans we're really dealing with and who's working with them. That scent I caught at the rendezvous point, it wasn't one of them and they definitely had a hand in their plan of attacking the caravan. As soon as I know whoever they are, we move forward with the rest of the plan." "And if there's any complications?" "You still carry on. Don't go back whatever happens." "And what if that person is you my lady?" "You still carry on..." "But my lady, your brother..." "That is a direct order. Khan will follow through with the plan as well. And I can protect myself. Understood?" They gave me firm nods. "Okay then. Lets move out."

The trail through the eastern entrance was more mountainous than the other entrances which was the reason for me choosing it and leaving the easier passages for my brother and sister to move their forces through. Pausing for a moment, I kneeled to the ground and inhaled. The lycans scent was pungent which meant this passage was frequently used. I motioned to carry on and they followed behind. I wanted to get as close to their camp as I could. Khan would be against this as soon as he knew I decided on it, so I'm glad I didn't mention it when I told them my plan. I knew I was risking a lot. Inhaling further, my pace increased as the excitement increased. "Okay, I want one of you to station yourself there and hold guard. The rest of us will carry onwards." One of the rogues stayed back. "You'll be a marker for this area. If you see any lycans reach this point, you leave and get to my brother and sister. Understood?" He nodded. "Yes my lady." He stood firm and I nodded at the others to carry on. The adrenaline coursed through me and I was under its command. Following it as if it was my commanding general. We were almost there. I could feel it.

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