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The night was cold and the rain was colder in the large town of Cheshire, the noise of banging shutters echoed in the large manner house as each servant fought the wind to close them, it was a dark night indeed as the lord of the manner laid in his bed surrounded by his close family, friends and several servants, a old priest stood in the corner muttering a prayer in hope of deliverance for his soul to the afterlife while a young doctor checked over the lord looking uncertain that he would last the night, all the doctor could do was pack his bag, bid his farewells and giving his condolences to the lords wife soon to be a widow.

As he laid in his bed he looked around the room making a attempt to smile as if reassuring his grieving relatives and friends, it started off with a good ordinary day for the wealthy business man who deals in the silk industry, well respected and much loved by all, that was before the accident, he didn’t see the carriage coming with the crazed horse driving it alone, he was too busy stareing into his watch which contained a picture of his wife.

It knocked him of his feet and then landed on the floor, he was described by his friends and family as obsessed but full of life without a care in the world, his breath became slow and shallow while his pulse was getting weaker, nobody had noticed the lone robbed figure sitting in the corner on a chair, the figure stood up moving his way through the small crowed of people surrounding the wealthy merchant, the dark figure placed its pale hand over the man’s mouth, a bright flash of light shined unnoticeable to the crowed but to only the robbed figure.

As he lifted his hand all life from the old merchant vanished in a split second, all around the robbed figure was the noise of sobs and crying, the priest fell silent in his prayer, the figure held the large diamond in his hand but then he began to squeeze it hard until it slowly became a small marble, the figure held it in-between his finger and thumb looking it, it was a pure white one, he then placed it into a small pouch which was attached to him by a bit of rope, it was filled with other marbles of different colours.

The figure made his way through the crowed again heading towards the bedroom door, as he opened it the figure walked through into a black abyss closing it as he walked on, through the same door another member of the family  walked in with shook and surprise at how he passed away in his sleep.

Time stops for no man, it has no barriers, no safety or warnings, time cannot be controlled or altered by any physical being, it has been there since man took his first breath, to try and to alter time is a punishment that cannot be paid in this life but the next, we are helpless but to watch and wait until the last possible moment and only then it will present itself as fear.

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