Vampire Knight FANFICTION "Resonance" Chapter 2, Search for the vampires

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Ruka and Hanabusa sat in the giant mansion, bored and confused on their next move. Hanabusa leant backwards in his armchair, swinging his arms behind his head and kicking his feet up onto the small, wooden coffee table that lay infront of him. "What about we go back to Cross Academy?" Ruka glared at Hanabusa."And do what? We aren't students there anymore so that means they no longer require our services." Hanabusa sighed. "Well, why dont we go take a look around town then?" He looked over to Ruka, who's expression was clear to Hanabusa that this was a stupid idea. "Look around town? What is there to look at! Besides, i've allready been around town and don't need reassuring of where everything is." Hanabusa sat up straight in his chair once more, crossing his arms. "Fine then, lets see you come up with something! Seeing as though my ideas aren't good enough for you!" Ruka rolled her eyes and sunk into her chair, deep in thought. After a moment of silence, she sprung up from her chair, her eyes lit up. "I've got it! Why dont we just track down Lord Kaname and Lady Yuki? Kaname did say that we are free to do what we like now, didn't he?" Hanabusa shook his head. "He left for a reason Ruka, to get away from it all. Anyway, even if we wanted to find him, how would we when we have no idea where he is?" Ruka reached out for a basket that was placed on the coffee table infront of them both, containing a map of the town and the surrounding forest. "Lord Kaname only left because Zero threatened Lady Yuki, he didn't leave to get away from us. All we need to do is find Seirin, she is so fast, she can find anything in a blink of an eye! If we get her on the case she will find them both in no time!" Ruka unrolled the map and started running her finger over it, suggesting she was looking for a something. Hanabusa sighed. "Yes, but how in the world are we going to find Seirin! She could be anywhere, we haven't seen her scince Kaname left the first time." Ruka stopped her finger on a small town only a few minutes away from the mansion. "In order to find Seirin, we must track down the other vampires first." Hanabusa leant over and had a look at the small town that Ruka had pointed out. "Why there?" He looked up to see Ruka smiling, which sent a slight shiver down his spine as if he felt something was wrong. He then realised, Ruka never smiles! "This is the area in which Senri and Rima live." Hanabusa looked confused. "How do you know that?" She laughed. "I saw them at the markets and followed them home." Hanabusa fell backwards in shock. "RUKA, YOUR A STALKER?!" Ruka shot up and slapped him across the face, sending him flying. "No, i thought that was your job! I was going to ask them something but they were allready in their car and half way down the road before i reached them, so i decided to follow them." Hanabusa laid on the floor, his back bent over and his feet placed at each side of his head. He shook his head, ending his shocked, daydream state. "Hey! My job isnt being a stalker! since whe-" Ruka inturupted him as she swipped up her bag with one hand and clutched the map tightly in her other. "Im going looking for them now, are you comming?" Hanabusa untangled himself and stood up, cracking his back into place. "Hey wait up!" He yelled, running after her.

Ruka locked the door, dropping the keys into her bag. "The town isn't far from here. We need to follow the footpaths untill we reach Rose street, thats where i followed them to." Hanabusa rolled his eyes. "Why dont we just go to the markets first and trace your steps from there? If we follow the footpaths it could take us hours!" Ruka sighed and started walking. "We'll reach the markets before miday if we hurry." Hanabusa glanced down at his watch. "Eleven thirty five! I thought you said the markets weren't far from here!" He ran after Ruka, realising she had allready started walking. "Its not far for people who are acctually fit like me." She rolled her eyes as she noticed Hanabusa puffing from that short run ten second run. "Im not unfit!" He declared. "I just get tired easily sometimes." Ruka didn't wait for him to catch his breath, she kept walking, determinded to reach the markets. "Do you even know the meaning for unfit Hanabusa?" She lifted her hand up to block the sun out before reaching into her bag and pulling out a pair of sunglasses which she slid on.

Hanabusa collapsed onto the ground. "Were finallly here!" Ruka grabbed his arm and lifted him to his feet. "It only took us ten minutes! Were only half of the way there anyway!" Hanabusa groaned. "Half of the way? Can we just take a break and go get something to eat from the markets?" Ruka let go of him, causing him to thump to the floor in a heap. "Ah! What was that for!" She stormed off. "You can't even go ten minutes without food, can you! If we continue at this rate we will never find Rima and Senri!" Suddenly, Ruka took her eyes off where she was going and crashed into somthing, causing her to fly into the concreate. "Ruka!" Hanabusa jumped to his feet and ran over to her, suddenly full of energy again. Ruka laid limp on the floor. "Ruka! Are you ok!" He then looked over to what she had crashed into and froze.

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