Vampire Knight FANFICTION "Resonance" Chapter 5, The Right Decision?

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Yuki looked around her dark, cold room. "What is it about this place?" She weakly opened her suitcase, shifting clothes out the way unti she spotted something at the bottem. As the sun shon in on her, it reflected of the slivery, metal object. Yuki reached into her bag, grabbing out the short, metal rod and taking a step back in shock. "A-Artemis?" She dropped it onto the floor, remembering all the times she had at Cross Academy, all the times with the Headmaster, all the times with Zero. She stared at the rod, her heart filling with sorrow. "Zero..." She loved Kaname, but she spent her life growing up with Zero and couldn't help but have a place in her heart for him. She, too, dropped to the floor on her knees. "I... can't believe it had to come to this... Zero..." She recalled the moments when Zero prepared to attack her, closing her eyes and shaking her head, wanting to forget. "No! I don't want to remember!" Suddenly, all the memories of the Zero saving her came flowing back also. The times when members of the night class had gone to attack her. Zero was allways there to save her, to keep her safe from danger. She stared at the floor, a tear running down her cheek. "Was this the right decision?"  Soon, the rooms of the dark, grey room began to close in on her and she passed out, falling the rest of the way to the floor. 


Zero glanced up from his food, feeling a slight pain in his chest. He placed a hand over his heart, grimmacing. Maria looked over at him, confused. "Are you ok, Zero?" He stood up, walking out of the room. "I'll be fine, i just need the bathroom." She watched as he left, sighing. Zero stumbled down the hall, reaching the bathroom as he fell into the door, his heart feeling heavy. "Why is this happening?" He looked up at the mirror, widening his eyes as he saw Yuki in the reflection. "Zero..." She called to him, sorrowfully. He blinked and she disappeared. "Y-Yuki?" The mirror now reflected his image. He shook his head, trying to grasp the situation. "It... was an illusion, thats all..." He looked down to the sink where his blood tablets were placed, swiping them up and staring at them. Memories started flooding back to him aswell, reminding him of Yuki's beaming smile and how she allways tried to cheer him up. He took a step backwards, composing himself. "Yuki..." He shook his head once more, holding it. "...loves Kaname." Those words pierced his ears as they replayed in his mind. loves Kaname.... He frowned, smashing his hand against the wall. "Quit screwing with my head!" He shouted angrilly, trying to foget his love for Yuki. It was no use, more and more memories started coming back to him as he stumbled backwards into a wall, sliding down to the ground. He tried to deny it, but his heart soon took control of him, sending him into a trance. "I... still love Yuki...." He covered his face as images of him attacking her flew past his eyes. "I... attacked her... the girl who spoke to me with such kind words..." He then remembered the fact Yuki was now a vampire, but gritted, not wanting to believe it. "The human Yuki is still inside her, i know it!" He sat there, immersed in his memories.


Kaname entered Yuki's room, noticing her passed out on the floor with the Artemis next to her head. He sighed, lifing her up. "Yuki... you worry me sometimes." He laid her on her bed, moving her suitcase onto the floor and sitting next to her. Her expression seemed painful and cold. He brushed some hair away from her face with his hand, speaking softly to her. "Why can't you tell me what is bothering you, Yuki?" She lay limp on the bed, unconcious. Kaname knew his questions couldn't be answered at this time. He kissed her forehead softly before leaving her room, contemplating possible answers to his question. All the while, Yuki was becoming trapped within her own mind, fighting with herself.

Yuki opened her eyes weakly, glancing around. Everything was pitch black. She stood up, searching for a source of light. "Hello?" Her voice echoed eerily. A voice in the distance called back to her. "Why did you do it?" She spun around, searching for the figure. "Who are you!" Her heart started to beat fast. The voice seemed to be getting closer. "Why did you change to a vampire? Why did you have to remember your past?" Her eyes darted around the empty space. "It wasn't my choice, Kaname turned me." The voice gave a slight sigh. "But you wanted that fate, did you not?" Yuki fell silent, knowing the voice was right. It continued. "It seems like your regretting this choice now, hmm?" Yuki covered her eyes, yelling. "GO AWAY! HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS!" A slight wind drifted past Yuki as she froze. The voice whispered into her ear. "Because i am you..." Yuki jumped, closing her eyes tightly. The room became filled with a dim light, making the voice's appearance visible. Yuki opened her eyes and stared in shock as she stared back at herself. She became confused as the room had no mirrors. Yuki shuffled backwards, afrad of what was happening. Her other self leant down to her, speaking with soft, kind words. "Im your human self. You left me to become what you are today." She stared up at it, speachless with fear. It continued. "Although you left my state of mind, i can still control part of your thoughts, like your memories." Yuki's eyes widened. "So it was you forcing me to remember all of that!" She growled. "Why did you do that! I didn't want to remember!" The human version took a step backwards, looking down at the vampire version with sorrow. "because i wanted to make you realise your mistake." Suddenly, Zero was seen in place of the girl. Yuki looked at him, crying. He looked to the floor sadly before turning around, exploding into tiny shards of glass and light. Yuki stared into what was now empty space, taking in what was just said. "M-Mistake?" The realisation of it all set in as she burried her face in her hands. 

Kaname came to check on Yuki a few hours later, noticing she still hadn't come concious. He walked over to her, staring at her still expression. Moments later, Yuki sprung up, gasping for air. Kaname grabbed her hands, staring into her eyes. "Yuki, what happened?" She glanced over to him with wide eyes and heavy breaths, begining to calm herself as she realised it was over. Kaname pulled her into a hug, not saying anything more. She sat still, not speaking a word either. A few seconds later, Kaname spoke. "It's ok, Yuki... you have things you can't tell me and i'm fine, i just want to help you get back to normal." Yuki lifted her hand to her cheek, feeling its wet surface as the presence of tears began to emerge. She wiped them away hurridly before Kaname let go of her to see her face. She tried her best to smile at him. "Please... don't worry about me..." Kaname smiled lightly at her words. "How can i not worry about you?" She looked down at her hand, her heart torn in two. "Zero... or Kaname..."

(Stay tuned for Chapter 6,  Uncovered Town)

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