Chapter 18

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This dream was unlike any other dream you have dreamt up it was like it wasn't even your creation, everything was dark, there was no happiness, no colour, not even a person in sight. Maybe you were wrong about this dream, maybe it wasn't a dream at all, what if you were in someone else's nightmare. You start to see a faint light far away in the darkness like someone had switched on a light but you couldn't see a person anywhere, suddenly there is light everywhere and you can see where you were. You were in your old tree house from when you were a kid and you could see you as a kid. You were with your old best friend molly, this was the day you lost your dad, this was the day that stopped time. you see you and molly playing with the teacups they were yours and molly's favourite thing. You loved to pretend you were grownups. Then everything went dark again. You waited for the lights to come back on and see yourself in the tree house again, but the lights didn't bring you there. Instead you were at the hospital where your dad spoke his last words to you. You remembered them like they were only spoken yesterday. "It isn't your fault." Everyone you loved had said that at least once to you. Then the darkness comes again. Next the light brings you to molly's 13th birthday. You didn't know what this day had in common with the others but then you saw it, molly's cat died because of you, everyone you loved died because of you. You screamed and screamed and tried to wake up, you try everything you can think of but nothing works. Then suddenly you can hear jakes voice.

Jake: are you ok tarinna, tarinna?

Then your back in jakes room awake.

You: jake.. it was horrible, I am horrible, I am a monster.

Jake: what are you talking about tarinna it was just a dream.

You: no it wasn't, it was a replay of my life and all the horrible things I had done.

Jake: you haven't done anything wrong tarinna.

You: yes I have jake I am the reason my parents are dead.

Jake: no you...

You interrupt him.

You: don't even bother with the it wasn't your fault crap, I have been given that lie my whole life, my dad told me it before he died, my mum told me it when my best friends cat died in my arms, you told me it when my mum died, even my sister told me it when my pet guineapig died. So don't even try.

Jake: what are you talking about, what did I miss.

You: I cant be with you anymore all I do is hurt the people I love, and I don't want to hurt you.

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