Chapter 10

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Jake: well that hurts but it won’t kill me.

You: what about silver does that burn you.

Jake: no and where did you get all these stereotypes.

You: umm off the internet.

Jake: and umm you should know are family aren’t killers we get blood from the blood banks.

You: you get blood from the hospital.

Jake: yeah.

You: how.

Jake: we have a friend at the hospital.

You: wow ok then I have one more question.

Jake: what?

You: how many more vampires are there?

Jake: well let’s just say ¾ of this town are not human.

You: so ¾ of this town are vampires.

Jake: no.

You: but you said.

Jake: no I said ¾ aren’t human.

You: so you’re telling me there aren’t just vampires and humans.

Jake: yeah.

You: what else is there?

Jake: you will find out eventually.

You: no just tell me.

Jake: I can’t you will just have to figure it out yourself.

You: you are mean.

Jake: I can’t tell you so I am not being mean, just sticking to the rules.

You: I thought one rule was vampires and humans can’t be together.

Jake: why do you think I have to turn you into a vampire?

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