Chapter 5: Rivercrest, Home Of The Sharks

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Chapter 5: Rivercrest, Home Of The Sharks

"What are you guys-" Carter stopped himself short as he walked into the kitchen.

He was currently witnessing our younger siblings dancing, rather horribly, to "Demons" by Imagine Dragons -it had come on the radio just seconds ago. Kayla was clapping her hands and shaking her hips, while Ethan was vigorously nodding his head and jumping up and down. It was entertaining to say the least. I smirked, hopped down from the stool that I was sitting on, and joined my dancing siblings.

"No Abby... Aw come on don't encourage them." Carter sighed, obviously disturbed by our ridiculous dance moves.

"Hey if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Jer chuckled as he and Dev walked into the kitchen.

Dev walked up to me and grabbed my hand as we began waltzing. Jer grabbed Carter's hand as well and they too were soon dancing like lunatics.

When the song ended we all laughed and then sat down to eat breakfast. Jer popped some bacon slices in the microwave while Dev cooked the eggs and pancakes simultaneously.

Dev had promised to make dad's famous pancakes for my first day of senior year, and he definitely delivered.

After breakfast Devon took us all into the garage so that he could give me my belated birthday present. He flicked on the light switch and we all gasped. There stood two new cars: a dark blue, four door, Toyota Camry in all it's glory and a gray, four door, Chevy Silverado. Damn how much had Dev spent on those things?

Dev tossed me the keys to the Camry and I gapped at him as I caught them.

"B-but I-I thought t-that how did y-you? W-When did you?" I stuttered.

Dev chuckled "Jer, Carter and I have been saving up money to get a car for them to share. I knew that you had been working hard to afford one as well, so when I found your stash of money in your room the other day I decided to chip in a bit and help get you a nicer car. It's barely used and I figured you'd like it so..." Dev trailed off.

I bounced on the balls of my feet with a huge grin on my face. Opening my arms, I rushed over to Dev and engulfed him in a hug. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and then kissed the top of my head.

"Love you Abby" Dev whispered.

"Love you too" I whispered back.

Dev smiled down at me and then ushered us all towards the cars. We hadn't had a new car since Carter and Jer sold their cars to pay for their college tuition. Dev didn't really have time to go to college, so he went to an online college. It wasn't much, Dev knew that, but he said that he hoped he would eventually be able to go to medical school someday.

My mind wandered elsewhere for a moment when someone pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Got it Abs?" Dev questioned.

"Huh?" I should really stop spacing out all the time...

Jer had a smug look on his face, as did Carter. What the hell did I do this time.

"Ugh Abby you really need to pay attention." Dev groaned "Like I said earlier: Jer and Carter will be taking turns driving you to school since you don't have your license yet."

Shit I knew I was forgetting something.

"But Dev..." I whined.

"No but's Abigail. You do not have your drivers license and therefore I will not allow you to illegally drive around without one. When you get a license then you may drive yourself, but until then Carter or Jeremy will drive you to school. Now go get ready; we are done discussing this subject."

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