Chapter 2: Brothers and best friends

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Chapter 2: Brothers and best friends

"Shh! Be quiet or you'll wake 'em up!" Someone whisper yelled.

"Fine fine calm your tits bro."

Replied another voice.

"These pictures are so going on Facebook" Replied yet another voice. I heard a clicking sound right after the person spoke.

Go back to sleep or deal with whatever the hell is going on? Hmm... Sleep. Most definitely sleep. I grumbled and scooted closer to the left side of my bed, only to be stopped by some type of wall. What the fuck? Oh right Danny had to sleep in my bed last nigh-


Slowly I open my eyes. Squinting and trying to make it so that, whoever was in my room, was oblivious to the fact that I was no longer asleep. There stood my three older brothers. Carter was snapping pictures of me and Danny with his phone.

My eyes flew open as I shot up in my bed. "You bastard!" I bellowed as I sprinted towards Carter.

"Aww don't be all grumpy Abby bear." Chuckled Carter as he backed away from me.

"I swear if you don't delete those pictures I'm going to rearrange that pretty face of yours!" I screeched.

"You think I'm pretty? Aww stop it your gonna make me blush" he mocked. Really that's all he got out of that sentence? I began hitting him repeatedly with my fists as everyone else in the room -except for Danny and I- were laughing there asses off.

"Just delete the damn pictures Carter." Danny said as he came to stand next to me.

"But there so cute!" Carter squealed in an obnoxiously high voice that resembled over half the female population at the school that i currently attend -thankfully I won't be going there much longer.

"Hand me the phone asshole" I hissed. Carter snickered before tossing the phone to Jer. Jeremy bolted out my door and into the bathroom adjacent to my bedroom. Danny and I both groaned when we heard a faint click. The bastard had locked the door.

This was going to be a long day...


The next day Devon had woken me up an hour earlier than normal to train. He said that since he had given me the day off yesterday, I would have to train "extra hard" this morning. Which basically meant that after he was done I was going to feel like I had been dragged to hell and back.

Guess how many times I had to practice that damn roundhouse kick? Twenty freaking times! After practice I literally looked like I had just been killed and then resurrected. Danny made that pretty clear.

Danny even wanted to come to school with me. He asked the same question every year because he wanted to "scope out" the school. Make sure it was safe. I tried my absolute hardest to say no but I just couldn't resist his puppy dog face. His bottom lip quivered and his eyebrows furrowed, yet his eyes stayed soft. It was literally the one thing that I couldn't resist. Ethan and Kayla did it often, and even when Danny did it I couldn't bring myself to say no.

So here Danny and I were, in the principal's office, being lectured about bringing a student that didn't go here, to school. Apparently you had to get permission and all that happy go lucky shit. My principal, Mr. Rodgers, happened to have one of those voices that droned on, and on, and on.

I had stopped trying to listen a few minutes ago and was now staring at the clock behind him on the wall, wondering what it would be like if I was a clock. Haha poor clock, it had to stare at Mr. Rodgers all day. I wonder what he did when no one was looking...

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