i met this sexy,yet total jerk oh and did i forget to tell you i have to marry him(chapter 4)

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"If you stare any harder your eyes are going to pop out of your head," I teased. He still didn't look away so I decided to ignore him and go to sleep.

**end of recap**

Walking down the hotel lobby, I noticed it was very dim Almost to dim. My heart started accelerating, like in those horror films when you know someone is about to die. Drawing nearer and nearer to the end of the hall way I felt some one run behind me and yell, "Boo." "Ahhhh, please don't kill me. Here take the hotel shampoo and conditioner that I hid in my purse just please don't shoot me," I said. "Ha ha ha....you.... ha ha.... Thought I .... Was going to.... Shoot you.... Ha ha ha," Jacob said between fits of laughter. I was so mad that I beat him aside the head with my purse. "You jerk, I was already on the edge because this hallway was giving me the creeps and you decided it would be funny to sneak up on me and nearly give a heart attack. What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked pissed off. "Whoa, Abigail get a hold of yourself, you know what the doctor said about what happens when you get angry," Jacob said. Oh really, please enlighten me on what he said," I said. "Well you start turning green, you turn the size of someone who has been taking steroids for a long time, and you get this deep male voice. Believe me it is not a pretty sight," he said jokingly. "That's the hulk you dumb ass," I said. "My point exactly," he said. Oh hell no, nobody calls me the hulk without getting there ass beat. I started getting angry and I'm turning green, oh my god I've got a male voice, oh damn I'm bigger than the world's strongest man. "Ahhhhhh," I woke up screaming. I ran to the mirror in the bathroom. I still looked the same, whoa good it was just a dream. Just then Jacob burst through the door holding a shoe saying, "Whose there I've got a shoe and I am not afraid to use it." I burst out laughing. Finally, after 5 minutes I gained composure and said, "It's just me, and what the hell were you planning on doing with a shoe, stick it up their nose and hope that they pass out because it smells so awful." suddenly I looked down and realized that he wasn't wearing a shirt or pants. I just stood there frozen looking at his abs like they were the freaking Mona Lisa. "You know if you stare any harder your eyes are going to pop out of your head," he said mockingly. Uh, I see his personality hasn't changed while he's been sleeping. "Oh, shut up and go back to sleep," I said while getting back in the bed. He got in after me, and then I fell into a dreamless sleep. I woke up staring at the ceiling. I turned my head to see if Jacob was awake. Aw, he looks like an angel. Oh, man I have to pee. Why now Mother Nature you couldn't have just waited until Jacob got up? Now I really have to pee. So getting up isn't really going to work, seeing as I've got an arm on my stomach that feels like it weighs a ton. "Jacob, can you please move your arm?" I whispered. No response. Let's try this again. "Jacob, seriously dude you need to move your arm," I whispered a little louder. There's still no response. What does it take to wake this guy up a bull dozer? Desperate times call for desperate measures. "Jacob move your damn arm," I yelled in his ear. He rolled over and hit the floor with a big thump. Next thing I know he's already off the floor saying, "What, did the shoe not get the point across the last time." Like last night I burst out into laughter. I finally stopped laughing and said, "God forbid you bring out the shoe again, I'm still scared from the last time." "Oh what did you want?" he asked. "I just wanted you to move your arm off my stomach so I could go pee," I said. "Oh," he said extending the h. So I left the room to go pee. When I finished peeing, I decided to take a shower. When I finished my shower I forgot that I didn't bring my clothes from the suit case that Niles carried into our room into the bathroom. Why does this have to happen to me again? Thank goodness there are always towels in hotel bathrooms. I got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me. I stepped out of the bathroom and made my way to the suit case. After picking out the close I would wear today I turned around and came face to face with Jacob. He was just staring at me with wide eyes and his jaw dropped. I was in shock so I dropped my towel. Oh shit, I dropped my towel. I can't believe I dropped my towel. Pick it up you idiot. Oh, right pick it up. Before picking up my towel I noticed his facial expression was 10 times as excited as his expression a minute ago. I quickly picked up my towel and wrapped my towel around my body. I was so embarrassed my cheeks were red as hot tamale. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize someone was behind me," I said. Wow, that's the best you can say. Gosh I'm sorry sue me why don't you. I would if I could. That hurts, that really hurts. Oh suck it up you sissy. It takes one to know one. Whatever. Ha so you admit that I won, yes I win again. "Oh, no, you shouldn't be sorry, I'm not sorry," he said with a smile on his face. After he said that I went into the bathroom and put on my clothes. When I was satisfied with the way I looked I went back into the room. After I left the bathroom Jacob entered and started taking a shower. I know what you're thinking, with the door open? Well no, he closed the door. Bored out of my mind, I went and sat down on the bed. He walked out with a black, v- neck shirt and blue jean pants. Oh may I just say he is working them jeans. Oh, girl yes he is. He walked over to me and said, "If you're done staring at me, I would really like to get some breakfast." What, wait staring oh wait that's right I am staring. I composed my face and said, "Right, let's go get something to eat." We exited the room and into the lobby of the hotel so we could eat some breakfast. After finishing our meal we got into the limo and started driving. "How long are we going to be driving today?" I asked. "We won't be doing that much driving were, really going to be flying. Oh shit, did he say flying every since I heard about nine eleven I've been afraid of planes. We finally arrived at the airport and just before we got on the plane, I fainted.

i met this sexy, yet total jerk oh and did i forget to tell you i have to marry himWhere stories live. Discover now