i met this sexy,yet total jerk oh and did i forget to tell you i have to marry him(arranged marriage

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I met this sexy, yet total jerk oh and did I forget to tell you I have to marry him(an arranged marriage story)chptr.1 This is my first story so please bear with me. Please comment if you like it, hate it, or think it needs improvement. Just so you know I will not give you a certain amount of votes I need to write the next chapter. Please feel free to comment anytime you like. "Wake your ass up, Abigail Nicole Thompson! You're going to be late for your last day of school if you don't," my mom shouted to me. Gosh, why does she always have to yell at me, I just don't understand it? I never shout at her... that much. Ok, fine a lot, but still couldn't she at least be civilized about it. Getting up out of bed I dragged myself into my walk in closet to pick out my outfit for today, after all it is my last day of school, and I need to end it with a bang. So, after five minutes of scanning all the possibilities for outfit's I finally decided on a pair of dark blue, blue jeans that hugged my lower body perfectly, a dark blue shirt that said, I KNOW YOU WANT ME, BUT THEN AGAIN WHO DOESN'T. It fits the upper half of my body perfectly, and to finish it off I put on my dark blue converses. Walking out of my closet I decided to give myself a once over just to make sure I like the way I look. Looking in the mirror I see my reflection. Curly brunette colored hair reaching just below my shoulders, tan skin, and natural pink lips. Just so you know I'm not a slut, whore, or any other things that relate to those words. Although, I can be mean if you make me mad. After looking at the mirror, I decided to go downstairs and get my backpack so I can leave. Just before walking out the door my mom stopped me and said "Abigail, be home by 6 o' clock this evening, because we've got very important company coming over and I don't want you to be late." "Ok mom I hear you." "You need to lose that attitude Abigail I'm your mother, and you don't speak to me that way." "I don't have an attitude all I said was that I hear you, gosh." "Yes you do, and you need to lose it." Whatever, mom I don't have time for your bull sh** I have to go to school." Just then Jamie pulled up in the drive way, thank god. Just in case you haven't figured it out yet my mom and I don't get along to well. She's hated me ever since my dad died 11 yrs. ago. I know sad right. She wasn't always like the way she is now, she use to be a fun, loving mother, but that all changed after my dad died. The worst part about it is she hasn't told me she loved me in over a11 yrs. To be exact it's been 11 yrs. and 16 days. I miss my old mom and I yearn for her every day. She thinks it's my fault for killing my father. I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was just me and my dad alone at the house because mom was working. *Flash back* "Abb, time to eat," my dad said while looking around the house for me. I'm hiding behind the counter and my dad walks right past me, and doesn't even realize I'm there so I let out a giggle and he turned around and picked me up saying "I found you, you little munchkin." I laughed at that so after he was done he put me down and handed me the plate of spaghetti, and I walked to the table and sat down. On his way to the table he just stops and falls down. I can't believe my eyes so I run up to him and started crying. I called the ambulance right away and told them about daddy. I didn't try c. p. r. because I was frozen in shock all I could do was cry. The ambulance got there as fast as they could. Momma pulled in a minute later and ran to my dad. The e. m. t' s were doing c. p. r. when mom walked in the door. They drove him to the hospital, but when they got there they said he was dead before they ever arrived, and there was nothing they could have done to bring him back. They said it was heart failure. *end of flash back* Even 11 yrs. later it's still hard to think or talk about him it brings tears to my eyes, but I force them back every time. That was the last day I cried from that point forward I just hold everything back. People say it gets better over time, but for me it doesn't. While seated in my best friend Jamie's car she says's "Abby we've got to stop and get gas." "Ok," was all I said? At the gas station she told me to run in and tell them that she needed $20 worth of gas on pump 3. While there I met the sexiest guy I have ever laid eyes on. As soon as I saw him my jaw dropped open. Ok, I did not just do that. Before he could look at me I recovered and got in line. I was just about to walk up to the cashier until somebody skipped me and that's not all he/she did he/she also bumped into me so being the crazy person I am shouted, "hey, what the hell did you not see me standing here?" I asked. Immediately the stranger turned around.

Sorry for the cliffy, but I didn't know where else to end it at. I hope you like it so far. I realize that there's not much excitement, but there will be in the next chapter. Don't forget to vote if you haven't already.

i met this sexy, yet total jerk oh and did i forget to tell you i have to marry himWhere stories live. Discover now