i met this sexy,yet total jerk oh and did i forget to tell you i have to marry him(chapter 2)

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I met this sexy, yet total jerk oh and I forgot to tell you I have to marry him(arranged marriage story). Chapter 2 Here's chapter 2 for you guys. I hope you like it thanks to the people who voted. As soon as the stranger turned around I immediately recognized the stranger as the sexiest dude I have ever seen in my life. It was the guy I seen a few seconds ago. He had Taylor Lautner hair; chocolaty eyes that make you want to melt every time you see them, and a black suit that showed his muscles every time he walks. May I just say he looks damn sexy? Get a hold of yourself Abby you do not go this crazy over a guy. You can never have him as sexy as he looks he has to have a girlfriend. Oh, well I can get over it, after all it's just a crush. Oh, who am I kidding I can't get over this god. It's not possible. "No, I didn't see you standing there but I should have," he replied while looking me up and down . uh, pig figures. "Hello my face is right her not on my chest or my ass," I replied coldly. "I know your point is?" "That you should be looking at my face instead of my assets," I pointed out. "Oh, well I don't see anything I like," he said. Ok, its official I hate this stupid, hot, jerk. Did I just say hot I mean not hot guy. "Well if you didn't like what you saw why were you looking then?" I said. "Well uh, uh." "Exactly so if you don't mind I'd like to pay for gas now, so move!" I slightly yelled. I didn't give him a chance to reply, I just took my place in front of him and payed for the gas. I was so furious at that guy, I can't believe he had the nerve to check me out right in front of me, and then say he didn't like what he saw. When I reached Jamie's car I got in and slammed the door shut, and humphed. Why do guys have to be jerks? Why can't they just be nice? When Jamie was done pumping gas she got in and asked me, "Abby what happened in the gas station with that super, hot guy?" So I told her what happened between me and the guy. She said, "sorry, but you have to admit he's hot. I look astonished and said, "He is not hot, he's a jerk." "A very hot jerk," she said. I changed the subject fast and said, "Jamie hurry up were going to be late for school." "I'm driving as fast as I can, I don't want to hit a tree and die," she said. I couldn't help, but laugh at that. She is so funny, but I'm friends with her because of her kindness, her good friendship qualities, and the way she makes me feel better when I'm sad. If it wasn't for her being there for me when my dad died I wouldn't have made it. "Are you trying to change the subject?" she asked me. "What no, please I wasn't changing the subject," I said. "Really, cuz it sounded like you were," she said suspiciously. "Well I totally wasn't," I said innocently. She laughed at what I said while pulling up at ROSEMARY HIGH. The most boringest place ever. Thank god it's my last day of high school forever. No more teachers, homework, projects, or essays. Getting out of the car was the easiest part, but walking was a whole different story. While walking arm in arm with Jamie I tripped and fell. The worst part about it was that ever body laughed at me. I was so humiliated. My face turned as red as a tomato, it was just awful. I picked myself up off the ground and guess who showed up, Alicia Vanderhook, or as Jamie and I like to call her Queen Slut. She walked her fake ass over to me and said "Ooh Humpty Dumpty had a great fall." I usually ignore her, but not today. I've putting up with her crap all year, but not anymore it's the last day of school, and I'm not putting up with any of her crap. So, I replied "back the hell away from me slut." She looked taken aback. "You did not just call me a slut!" she yelled. "But I did just call you a slut," I said while trying to hold back the laughter that escaped. With that said she stomped off to join her so called friends (note sarcasm). With that behind me I said goodbye to Jamie, and headed off to English. English was boring today because he said to just sit there and do nothing since it was the last day of school. The rest of the classes went by just like that, before I knew it, it was time to go home. So I began my walk home. Jamie couldn't take me home because she had detention for skipping 2nd block. I swear, must I always be the responsible one? Yes you do. No I don't Do to Do not now shut up and get out of my head I am your head so I can't get out of your head if I am your head. Whatever you know what I mean. Fine, I'm tired of you always telling me what to do. Whatever, just shut up. That carried on till I was home. As soon as I walked through the door I was bombarded with questions from none other than my mom. Uh, must she always annoy me? "Where have you been? You were supposed to come straight home right after school. Now you're late so go upstairs and put on that dress I got you to wear to dinner." "Ok fine whatever," I said. "That's the spirit Abigail, now hurry up." Not even bothering to reply I went upstairs and took a hot shower, that relaxed all the tension in my muscles. While taking the shower I couldn't help, but wonder why my mom has made me get all fancied up for a dinner. After, getting out of the shower I put on my bra and panties first. Then, I slipped thee dress on. It was beautiful, I have to give it to my mom if there's one thing she's good at it's fashion. When I finished blow drying my hair and putting my makeup on I was ready to go down stairs for dinner. On my way down stairs, I heard a conversation going on between my mother and two other people I did not know. I came down and said "Hello my name is Abigail Thompson and you are?" I asked politely. "Hello Abigail my name is Mrs. Fuller and this is my husband Mr. Fuller," she said. "It's a pleasure to meet you both," I said. "Same here," Mr. Fuller said speaking for the first time. He had a very deep voice. "Please sit down," I said. "Very well then," Mrs. Fuller said. As we sat down my mother began talking. "Abigail there is something we need to tell you about, but first let's bring in Mr. and Mrs. Fullers son," my mom said. Wow, I think that's the nicest thing she's ever said to me. Right on queue I heard a knock on the door. Immediately, I stood up and said, "I'll get it." With that I walked over and opened the door. When I realized who was at the door I quickly shut it. Realizing what I had just done I opened it before he could knock again. "You," I said through gritted teeth. "Looks like someone's happy to see me," he said with a smirk on his face. "Ha you wish," I said. "Oh looks like you two have already met," all the parent's said. "Yes, we have, we said together. "Well good that makes my job a whole lot easier," my mom said. "What are you talking about mom?" I asked suspiciously. "Well I don't know how to tell you this, but you have an arranged marriage to Jacob Van Fuller." What????? "Ha ha ha ha ha, you're joking right," I said. "I'm afraid not Abigail," Mrs. Fuller said. At that moment my whole world just came crumbling down. "What!!!!!!!!!! No way, there is no way in hell I'm marrying him," I screamed. "Abigail Nicole Thompson that is no way to act when we have company over, and you will do it because you're 17 and I have permission over what you do," my mom said " Fine I'll do it, but we need to get a few things straight mother. 1. You're dead to me. 2. How would you have acted if you got news that you were being forced into an arranged marriage? Do you hate me this much that you would force me to do this?" I said angrily. "No, Abbs I don't hate you, you may not realize it, but I'm doing this for you," she said. She did not just call me Abbs no one and I mean no one has called me Abbs since my dad died. "Don't you dare call me Abbs. You haven't acted like my mother, or said you loved me in 11 yrs. so don't think for a minute that you are going to call me that name. The only person who has or had permission to call me that was you and dad, but that was 11 yrs. ago. Dad died 11 yrs. ago, and you blame his death on me," I said completely outraged. After saying that I hit the floor with my knees and cried so hard. I couldn't help it, but I quickly recovered myself and said "When do I leave." "right now, you don't need to pack they've already got clothes for you at his house," my mother said teary eyed. "Fine with me, oh and don't think about contacting me because I don't want to hear or see your face again," I said through gritted teeth. She nodded her head and with that I walked outside the house. Come on Jacob let's go," I said. He just stood outside looking shocked and sad, but I didn't know what for. He quickly changed his face, no trace of sadness let in them. We got into the limo and began our journey to his house.

i met this sexy, yet total jerk oh and did i forget to tell you i have to marry himWhere stories live. Discover now