Chapter 18

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Zayn's POV

"Baby are you okay in there?" I stood outside the bathroom door with an unsure tone in my voice. My knuckles rested against the wooden door that served as our barrier, tapping nervously.

"Baby?" I repeated when I didn't get a response from Eve.

"I'm fine." Her small voice replied, but I could tell something was going on. We were supposed to be at the airport in half an hour and she'd been in the bathroom for ages.

"You've been in there for-"

"Zayn." Eve cut me off with a sense of urgency.

We had such a good time in Bora Bora, by far one of the best holidays I've ever had depsite the fact that there was so much water around us. Eve didn't make me go swimming which I was grateful for. Even though we had such a sick honeymoon I've missed England and I know Eve has too. We spent a few days just chilling out and then did a bit of sightseeing, and of course honeymooning stuff. That was fun as always.

"I'm pregnant."

Those were the two words I'd been waiting to hear, the words that I wanted to coax out of her mouth in hopes that it would be true. Eve was right when she told me I was rushing too much when it came to having a baby, and honestly hearing those words come out of her mouth made it worth the wait.

"Are you sure?" I grinned, feeling a bit tearful as well. I wanted Aiden to have a little brother or sister, and I wanted Eve and I to have a baby that looked like the perfect combination of us. Maybe this baby could have the qualities in Eve that Aiden didn't inherit.

The door opened quickly to reveal my wife with a flushed face and three pregnancy tests in her hand, causing me to stumblr forward. "They're all positive." The smile on her face mirrored mine as she pulled me into a tight hug. The two of us just laughed and -maybe- cried a little bit for a while about how excited we were going to have a baby. Finally.

"How are you feeling? Do you need anything before we go to the airport?" I asked while placing my hands on her stomach. To the naked eye, Eve was just a normal woman with a normal body, but inside her was a little life developing, and one that I helped make.

"I'm fine, a bit sweaty but I think that's just the fact that we're on a tropical island. Speaking of being here, we shouldn't be. Let's head out." Eve said. I watched her gorgeous smile fade into a frantic expression.

"The bags are already in the limo, babe." I let her know before she bothered to rush to get our suitcases.

She took a breath and rested her delicate hand on my shoulder. "You're amazing. I love you."

"I love you too. Now let's go home and tell everyone the good news." I replied.

* * * *

"I hope it's a girl." Eve told me at random when we took off on the plane. She had been quiet, seeming to be deep in thought ever since we left the hotel, and this was a great way for her to break her silence. It was good to know that she was thinking about the same thing I was.

"Amelia Luna." I said. What a beautiful name.

"But if it's a boy, I'd love that as well." She added.

"What did we decide for a boy?" I furrowed my eyebrows as my mind drew a blank as to what our boy names were.

"I can't even remember. My head is way too jumbled. I can't stop thinking about what everyone will say. Your family's going to be so excited, just think about how happy your mum will be! God, Zayn, this is brilliant." Eve gushed.

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