Prologue | Crude Awakening

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"Stiles, I need you to come down to the clinic." Deaton said nervously over the phone.
"What's up doc?"I asked concerned.
"We need to discuss something Mr. Stilinski, in person."
"Sure. I can be there in like twenty minutes."
"That's fine."
"See you soon."
Then I hung up my end and got my stuff together, because I had slept at Scott's that night.


"What did you want to talk about?" I asked Deaton as I walked through the doors of his animal clinic.
"I was going over some things and I found some quite interesting news."
"What is it?" I asked worried.
"Back when you Scott and Allison sacrificed yourself a to the Nematon, it took w part of you, correct?"
"Uh, yeah. What about it?"
"It also gave you all something in return."
"Like what?"
"When you gave your sacrifice, it connected you to the Nematon, along with every other Nematon. The sacrifice connected you three to its power."
"Why does this only effect me?"
"It didn't. It has different effects for different people. Scott was already a werewolf so his abilities just amplified. Allison... Died before I could discover her gift. But you, Stiles, it gifted you with your new abilities because of your blood."
"What do you mean my blood?"
"You come from a long line of powerful supernatural beings."
"That's not possible. My dads side were all farmers and stuff like that. They couldn't have been-" I was stating but Deaton cut me off.
"Not your dad Stiles, your mothers side."
I just sat in silence. This was just too hard to believe. Then again half of my friends are werewolf's so I guess it's not as hard to believe.
"The Nematons power activated your powers, but also amplifying them."
"What's the name?"
"My mother's line."
"So want am I?" I still could grasp it.
"Mr. Stilinski, your a witch."


Deaton then started to teach me what little he knew about magic. It started with a few simple spells. Like growing plants, healing spells, telekinesis (which was really hard), some elemental things, and barrier spells. Most of that he had to find out how to do, then taught me.


"Stiles, this is all I can teach you."
"What do I do know?"
"I asked around and found a lead on your family."
"Did you find someone?" I asked surprised.
"Yes. A cousin."
"Where are they?"
"In Virginia. She's the only one I could find."
"Did you contact her?"
"Indeed, but I didn't give her much information, but she knows you are her cousin. You're going to be staying with her over the summer."
"When? What's her name? "
"As soon as your packed, and her names Bonnie, Bonnie Bennett."

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