Time Will Tell Part 1

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I'm excited to share my story here on Wattpad. Time Will Tell is near and dear to my heart because it exemplifies the best America has to offer. But the best things, besides bourbon, that Louisville offers are Churchill Downs and the Kentucky Derby. There is nothing so exciting as being at the track and watching those thoroughbred beauties race. I found the history behind the Downs fascinating. So much so, that I wrote Time Will Tell. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Time Will Tell

Published by Sandy Loyd

Copyright 2013 Sandy Loyd

Editor: Pam Berehulke at Bulletproof Editing

Cover: Kelli Ann Morgan at Inspire Creative Services

Chapter 1

“Libby—Libby? Are you listening to me?”

Libby Edwards shook off her daydreams and looked at her fiancé. “What did you say?”

“Come on, Libby. Stay focused.” He frowned. “You’re miles away. I might as well not even be in the car.”

She sighed. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just tired from helping Mrs. Meyers move into a retirement home today. I wasn’t expecting to go out tonight.”

“You’re on your feet all the time at work. You should relax and not help neighbors on your day off.”

“The poor woman has no one else.” His comment confused her, considering his main reason for practicing medicine—to help people—was what she loved most about Dave.

“Well, you can relax now.” He patted her thigh. “An evening at the opera should do the trick.”

Libby offered a slight smile, wishing she didn’t hate opera. “You’re so sweet.” Where was the Enterprise when she needed it most? Oh, how she’d loved to have Scotty beam her up so she wouldn’t have to endure another night of Dave’s surprises. Last week, it was a new wave art show that she had no interest in. Why couldn’t he be content to just watch a ball game on TV on Sunday night? Once she started analyzing the reasons, she couldn’t stop, which lead to more analyzing, ending at her relationship with Dave. In the last month, he’d started on this kick to do more with his friends. “Which isn’t working,” she said, thinking out loud.

“What’s not working?” He glanced at her, those soulful brown eyes narrowing.

“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “I feel as if your friends don’t like me. That I’m not good enough.” Or maybe she lacked something. The niggling feeling kept returning. The more she was with his group of friends, the more she wondered if she’d ever feel comfortable around them. She’d always led a simple life, and the hoity-toity stuff they were into didn’t interest her.

“You just need to be a little friendlier.”

“Maybe.” She moved to look out the window without seeing the streets of Louisville whiz by. She could do somersaults in an attempt to please them and they would still ignore her.

“You worry too much.” Dave shook his head, dismissing her concern. “You have nothing to fear. You’re about to become a doctor’s wife. You’ll do fine.”

His smug tone drew her gaze and Libby could only stare at him, dumbfounded. Did he really believe that marriage to him would make up for their differences? Did Dave find her lacking, like the wives of his friends obviously did? Those women treated her as if she had a contagious disease. With only three months to go before their wedding, was being a doctor’s wife what she really wanted? She’d never really thought about it before, but now doubts assailed her. The knot, already in the pit of her stomach, tightened.

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