Chapter Five.

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Author’s Note: If you’re really reading this note, hurry up and get to the chapter, if I were you! ;)



Hazy.  Chapter Five.

When I went inside the house, it’s like everything that happened today crashed over me. It kinda feels like I’m being run over a huge truck and I’m just there, a split second to spare and I can’t do anything.

I can’t move.

My feet remained idle and my shoulders suddenly felt heavy, like I’m carrying stones in my backpack. I was standing too still, and I realized I was quietly sobbing the tears that didn’t push through earlier today at the parking lot.

I thought that today – everything’s going to be… fine. I thought Austin and I will resolve everything that happened or didn’t happen over the weekend and we’ll be okay once again. But no, it resulted to this. It ended up to, probably, our biggest fight yet.

I mean, what’s wrong with him? After days of him going MIA – instead of asking me how I’m feeling, he confronted me and Marcel? But of course, what do I need to expect? He’s a bully. He will always bully Marcel.

It’s not like I can cheat on Austin with Marcel when I’m in a relationship with him. Marcel’s innocent and Austin needs to lay his hands off him.



I don’t know. Having Marcel in this stupid fight makes my heart ache. It’s unfair to him that he’s a part of this. It makes me mad because he doesn’t deserve all of this when he’s done nothing to me but to be sweet.

“Jamie? Is that you? Wh-what the hell! What happened? Why are you crying?” My dad rushed over where I’m standing, his hands suddenly cupping my face soaked with tears.

I slowly shook my head in response.

Why is dad here early? He’s not supposed to be at home yet.

“Did Austin do this to you?”

And when dad said his name, the tears burst from my eyes even more.

I never cried about Austin. Never.

I don’t know what made it so different this time that I’m actually shaken up – crying in front of my dad who rarely saw me in tears.

“I’m going to kill that fucker.” My dad muttered as he figured I won’t be talking, and his unnecessary curse made me laughed a little. He hugged me for comfort and I cried some more, seizing the sparse moment between the two of us.


I realized Austin was always inconsistent. He would sometimes, out of the blue, ask me out on a date in a fancy restaurant and we’d end up watching a movie instead. Austin said he hates Pepsi, but I always catch him sipping a can from Jake every day at lunch. He would ask me what’s wrong and I would shook my head and tell him it’s nothing and I would sit down, shut up and listen to his friends – our friends chatting with him. I never really bothered to pursue or dig myself in with the group. I was okay with being okay.

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