Chapter 18: The Wait

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A/N: A little sad chapter because not all relationships are perfect. Just a warning nothing too bad.

"Um...hey GC I've gotta go now!" Karkat's words all slurred into one as he panicked and started running away. Terezi on the other hand was more determined then ever to find out who he was.

"Wait!" She grabbed his hand before he could rush off. "At least tell me the password so we can talk in Sburb" She had so many questions in her head at the moment. What school do you go to? Why do you smell like cherries? Do we know each other in real life? What's your actual name? These were all very important questions she wanted to ask in person.

Without responding to her question he pelted down the hallway as fast as he could. Behind him Terezi was having a hard time keeping up. The sound of his steps mingled with everyone else's. His scent fading rapidly as he ran further and further. Terezi hung her head low returning back to Kanaya who was still shocked at what had happened. None of this was planned. Everything just suddenly happened though Karkat did not handle it and well and would get an ear full from Kanaya.

"Did you see what that guy looked like?" Terezi asked with small hope in her voice.

"Oh um...well he was wearing a Sburb looking top. I didn't see too much until I heard you yell" Kanaya sheepishly replied. "Do you know him or something?"


"Let's go do something else shall we?" Kanaya asked putting a hand on her shoulder. Terezi had placed her head in her arms sadden at the fact that her matesprit ran from her. I thought he would be happy to see me. I guess looks do matter.

It was like he was everywhere. She just couldn't get him out of his head. Once she arrived home his scent seemed to be in the air but perhaps it was just her imagination. Latula was busy making dinner which was a reminder that their mother still wasn't home.

It was strange. No note no nothing. It wasn't like Redglare. Perhaps she was in a foreign country which would explain why phones didn't work. It must be connected to the windows that were opening themselves. Every so often Terezi would wake up shivering due to the chilling night breeze flowing through the window beside her bed. Nothing had been stolen from her room but she had the strange feeling of being watched. Life was just being horrible today.

As usual she slipped on the head gear while lying down onto her bed then waited as the game started up. Might as well level up and get some exp. Truthfully she didn't want to think of her current problems right now. Sburb was a world where she had a second life where nothing horrible couldn't be fixed.

She sat on her couch which was a painful reminder of what happened earlier today. Why did he run? She heard the faint knocking on her door. Too angry and sad to deal with who ever was at the door she just lay down on the couch. The scattered scalemates and chalk littered the ground untouched with a layer of dust covering some of them. Today she paid no notice. Not even they could cheer her up.

Whoever was at the door was persistent. They kept knocking for at least 5 more minutes meaning this was either CG or Vriska who had come to visit her. Dragging herself to the door she slowly opened it. It was the least person she wanted to see right now. Before CG could even say a word she slammed the door in his face. Rather that's what she thought she had done before she realised CG blocked the door with his hand.

"GC I'm sorry. Please just let me in so I can explain!" It pained Karkat to not use her actual name but for the sake of the surprise he had to. Just a little longer. "I'm sorry it's not your fault. I-I just got surprised today and-"

"...why did you run from me?" She muttered under her breath catching CG off. Her bangs covered her eyes as she spoke head hung low. "Am I that hideous in real life ran away?" She felt her voice cracking.

Although she had a happy personality it didn't hide her insecurities about her blindness. Sure she could see a little but it was like seeing part of the picture, part of a puzzle, part of a life. Occasionally she would wonder if she was pretty like the other girls. She had never realised it before but looking back on it it was mostly Vriska, her best friend, telling her that she wasn't as pretty as before the accident. It was as if she was slowly draining her life energy leaving a mess of a soul behind.

She felt the warm embrace of her matesprit. Terezi didn't know what to do. She was still mad at him but it was comforting. He rested his chin above her head mumbling.

"Don't ever say that about yourself. I'm sorry I ran away. It's just...I've been planning a surprise for you. I-I wish I could tell you more but it would ruin it" He voice started becoming a whisper as he said softly "I'm so sorry for making you feel bad. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don't want to lose you. I don't care what you look like. That isn't what I've fallen in love with. I'm in love with you. Your smile brightens up my day. I love your laughter it's infectious. Everything about you is addictive and if you were a drug I would need serious rehab." He nervously laughed. She hadn't realised it before but she had naturally buried her face in his chest soaking in his smell. He continued "For you I promise not to be a coward anymore. The next time we meet I promise I won't run just wait ok?"

Teal tears had stained his shirt. She felt silly for assuming the worse. All the disappointment and worry melted off her body. More teal tears started to flow as she silently cried. Happy tears mixed with the tears of relief. She hugged him back as if not willing to let him go. Karkat noticing the tears knitted his brows in worry.

"What's wrong? Don't cry. Was it something I said?" He rubbed circles on her back unsure what to do.

"N-no it's not your fault." She sniffed. It had been a long time since she had let herself cry and it felt good. It seemed as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulder. She had bottled her worries inside for so long it finally felt normal to let them all out. She had never really trusted Vriska and having CG helped. There was finally someone in her life she could talk to.

"Are you ok?"

"H-hey CG?"

"Yes?" He answered almost immediately.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" 

A/N: Is this what they call bitter sweet? Also for anyone wondering if I've forgotten any events that I have mentioned in this story they'll be in a separate piece of Fanfiction that I am planning to write. Think of it as a short story or a long one-shot. 

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