Chapter 13: The Answer

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Karkat took a deep breathe pausing.

"What is it?" she asked cocking her head to the side.

"Well um...we've er... know each other for a really long time and I at first I thought you were nuts but your actually really cool and I don't know the technical term used in this game but what I am trying to tell you is..." He quickly said.

"Woah CG slow down" Terezi put her hands up. Karkat took another breathe sorting his thoughts.

"What I am trying to say is that for a really long time I found out that I like you. I like you a lot. Your beautiful and smart. I'm really lucky to have you walk into my life." He awkwardly looked away but continued. "You somehow made me fall for you and to be honest I'd prefer you over anyone else. So what I am asking is...gallowsCalibrator will you be my matesprit?"

His palms grew sweaty as he nervously waited for her answer. What would she say? 

"CG?" she spoke softly. He turned to look at her. She brushed a strand of hair out of her face. A light teal blush washed over her face. "Yes!" She exclaimed happily giggling. 

"Really?" He released a breathe he didn't know he was holding. He laughed with her when Terezi replied with a hug. 

"I've had feelings for you too!" 

"Really?" Was all Karkat could say. He was on freaking cloud nine and he loved it! The rush of adrenaline. The warm tingling happy sensation spreading across his body. Karkat held her against his chest. His heartbeat sped up as if to match the millions of emotions coursing through his body.

Terezi was so happy. Heck happy may just be an understatement! She was so elated that something great was happening to her. Falling into a pool and nearly drowning wasn't how she wanted to end the school week but it did. This however made everything so much better. She wrapped her arms around his neck laughing into his chest. He felt so warm and real. I have to meet you in real life. 

His arms wrapped around her as if he had unfrozen. I guess he was shocked I said yes! 

She held onto him tighter as if she didn't want him to leave. She lend on him purposely making him fall onto the sofa.

"Hey CG?"

"Yeah?" He replied his voice a tad bit higher than usual. Terezi had managed to end up lying onto of him once more. 

"Have you sent me the matesprit request yet?" She smirked. 

"Oh yeah shoot! H-hold on a second" He stuttered slightly. 

Using his right hand, which was hanging limply off the sofa, he waved it summoning the main menu. Scrolling down his friend list he found Terezi. Meanwhile Terezi had shifted forward slightly. Unknown to her the libra shirt was a bit big for her and ended up hanging off her body. Karkat looked at her face as he sensed movement out of his eye. She had inched forwards slightly and he blushed when his gaze shifted lower.

"What's taking so long?" She said impatiently. 

"N-n-nothing!" He squeaked. Oh god why!?

"Doesn't sound like nothing. It sounds like you swallowed a mouse"

Karkat's shaky hand quickly sent the request. He forced himself to stare at the menu rather than what was almost in front of him.

"Finally!" Terezi said happily unaware of the situation she had put CG in. A glowing menu asking her if she wanted to be matesprits appeared in front of her. Her hand hovered over the one that smelt like ruby red cherries and liquorice. Decline was written in bold black letters. 

"Wait what the hell are you doing?!" Karkat yelped moving his right arm to stop her.

She cackled evilly. "Joking CG!" She swiftly moved her hand and press the one that smelt like pines on a dry summer day.

"Don't do that!" He said annoyed while regaining his confidence. She giggled at his reaction. Terezi found his overreacts adorable. In fact everything the nubby horned troll did was cute and adorable

Kissing his forehead for a second she replied with "CG, for making me wait for the matesprit request His Honourable Tyranny requests for me to give you a punishment!". She smirked sensing his confusion.

"Role playing?" 

"Just go with it" She 'rolled' her eyes.

"What is this punishment?" He rolled his back at her. Why is she role playing at a time like this? Shouldn't we kiss or wait no what brain!

"As a legislator I believe a suitable punishment kiss me" She lowered her head meeting his forehead. He smells just like bright cherry red! 

"I don't see how that's a punishment" he whispered looked into her red orbs.

"Shut up and kiss me" she smirked at him. A dark shade of teal covered her cheeks.

(A/N: I could end it on a happy note but nahhhh!)

They clashed in the middle once more. Except this time it was different. Both trolls battle for control. It was supposed to be a gentle kiss but Karkat wanted his turn and Terezi wouldn't give it to him. Terezi whined quietly. She missed the taste of cherries. Karkat didn't want to go down so fast like last time. He shifted so that he was sitting up slightly to give himself some chance of winning. Terezi sensing what he was trying to do and placed a hand on his chest. Their lips fought with both sides unwavering. That is until Terezi realised she needed to breathe. She gasped and panted as she pulled back. Karkat took his chance and quickly captured her lips once more. Determined for a taste his tongue darted into her mouth. She yelped in surprised when the lips she just left came back. 

Best thing about dating a blind girl is that a kiss is always a surprise!

She moaned giving up and letting he roam her mouth. Her moan sent vibrations down his spine in which he replied with a moan of his own. Without anything to do Terezi ran her hand through his hair.

After awhile, neither troll was sure of the time, they parted. Karkat pressed his forehead against hers like she did. Both panting heavily. He was glad she couldn't see him. His hair was a mess. Next sloppy make out session it's your turn. Indeed it had turned into one of those sloppy make out sessions he had seen countless times across school. Never had he thought he would be doing it too.

"That!" Terezi gasped teal in the face. Her body had felt a million degrees hotter and she loved it. She found it extremely alluring when he was dominating. Perhaps being the little spoon isn't so bad.

"I think I should disobey His Honourable Tyranny more often. Especially if the punishment is sloppy make outs" he said gaining more confidence.

She giggled in response even if she was out of breathe. "I do too!"

"Same time tomorrow?" He asked hugging her around the waist.


She blew him a kiss as CG logged out. Terezi sighed. She sunk back into the sofa. That just happened. Wow. Ugh I still have to get rid of him though. Why did he have to pop into my mind now?! She waved her hand like CG did and summon the main menu. Scrolling down her friends list she paused at a name. I want you gone and out of my life. Tapping the name she sat there wondering what to message to him.

A/N: Wow thank you guys for all of the support! I never realised this fanfiction would get so popular. I mean it's almost at 900 views and that's a lot! Thank you! You're all awesome and I appreciate the support! Also exams are over YAY!

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