Chapter 5: The Thoughts

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A/N I'd like to thank all of you who have voted and commented on my Chapters! Thank you for all the support  : D It really means a lot to me. Shout out to homestucklovertrash and SmolPocketChange

Anyways continuing the story

Terezi sat up so quickly that it would make a vampire jealous. Her body still felt hot from what had just happened. The adrenaline was still being pumped around her veins. She sniffed around confused. 

"No! Why now?!" She slammed her fist on her bed realising what had happened. The game had randomly crashed? Placing her headset on top of her bedside table she curled up into a ball. What just happened? Never had she felt so conflicted. He's so nice but I don't know him. Unlike Dave who I see everyday. I can't believe I just did that. Does he count as a boyfriend if it's online? Her face paled slightly. He never even asked. She sighed and rolled over. Noticing the room was darker than usual she slowly placed the pieces together. 

Latula. Her older sister probably invited Mituna over. Mituna and a bunch of her older friends were in a band together and occasionally came over to their house to practice. Normally this would have been fine if the electric guitar she played didn't ruin the electrical work. The worse thing was the last times this happened it took ages to get the power back. The first time everyone was forgiving about it but the more frequent they were the more annoyed people got. She felt sorry for some of them as they realised screaming at her mother wasn't the best of ideas. Her mother was unfazed and returned it with a terrifying glare. They didn't call her Redglare for nothing. The lecture Latula recieved was long and boring. That didn't stop the Rad girl from playing when her mother was out. Terezi could practically imagine the angry neighbours. 

Especially from a certain neighbour who was one of her classmates. Sometimes she would see him walking around school but never would she speak with him. Vriska constantly made fun of him and the rumours she had made had spread. Apprantly he almost killed a neighbour's cat. Of course Terezi didn't believe this because this was Vriska. She had known her long enough to not believe everything coming from her mouth. The school on the other hand just ate it up. This encouraged more ridulous rumours from the young Serket. Everyone was surprised when they realised that Aranea was her older sister. Poor Aranea I can't imagine spending that much time with her she always thought. 

What was that boy's name though?

The next morning was an unpleasant one. The power was still out. She woke up groggy and more tired than before going to sleep. School really wasn't something she wanted to do right now. I'd rather play more court with my scalemates. Sadly of course this wasn't possible. Her mother would get in a right fit if she didn't go plus missing the bus wasn't a good thing. The slow pitter patter could be heard beside her. The curtains were still drawn over the window casting no light into the room. The room of the Pyrope was relatively big. The bed was placed right under the window facing the garden. Before she was blinded Terezi liked gazing at the stars. Her favorite thing to do was trying to find her star sign Libra. Sometimes she missed the sight of stars. Even though she could smell their sparkles and glitter it wasn't the same. Obviously she owned a computer. She could have a few more if her mother would let her. Of course it was a no. The walls were covered in freshly drawn pictures depicting courts in session and hanged scalemates. Chalk and chalk dust were scattered across the floor. 

Being careful not to step on them, especially the candy red ones, she tip toes over to the wardrobe across the bed. Shivers ran down her spine when she walked across the room. It was so cold. No heating and rain. Not to mention how awkward it would be meeting CG the next time on Sburb. What if he doesn't even want to speak to me anymore? She mentally slapped herself for still thinking about him. Last night was something she kind of just wanted to forget. Not that she didn't enjoy it. A blush formed on her cheek. Slipping on her black jeans over her dragon printed pants she dashed to the computer. Slipping one her teal shirt she messily entered her password. Maybe he has sent me messages...nope. She flopped her face down. 

"Why me?" 

"Yo! Sis you awake?!" Yelled a female voice from behind her door. Terezi yelped in surprised.

"Yes why?" She replied less enthusiastically.

"The bus is leaving soon so if you wanna stay it's cool by me. Though I don't think our mother will be too happy. I'mma leavin with the Tun-master" 

How is she so cheerfu-OH NO THE BUS

News about the power cut had spread like wildfire. Vriska didn't help things by pinning it on Latula and a crabby loner. Of course one of them pulled it off better than the other. Casually explaining it was just band practice and how there were tickets to a certain someone's concert. Karkat really couldn't careless about what other people thought. Just more grub sucking idiots drinking Serket's poison. Sadly it was people like them who ran the school. The only thing that made him go to school was Terezi. Though even now he was doubting himself. How do you even crush on two girls? Thanks a lot past me you douch! Confused and conflicted he stomped through the halls to reach his locker. Like always he was surrounded by whispers. Something about cats. Which was ridulous! He doesn't even like cats. He would always find however this one girl in the crowd. Neepa or something like that. She said near Terezi. The weird cat girl. He had to do a double take on his locker. A pink note in the shape of a heart had been pinned to his locker. The words were written in fountain pen and the note had been covered in stickers. 

It read...

Something similar had happened to the blind girl. Once reaching her locker Nepeta pointed out how there was a pink heart stuck on her locker. Nepeta was so excited for Terezi. She was just confused. Who would be sending her love notes? Whoever it was had terrible timing because adding a third person to her list of suitors wasn't what she wanted right now.

It read...

Until next time

Here's some bits from the next chapter 

"How's it going Karkat"

"What did you do now?"


"My ships!"

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