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The bad feeling comes back full force as we go back to the Island. Natalyn keeps telling us that Sulu says its ok but the fear in the back of my mind isn't eased. Once we arrived we helped Isaac tie his boat up before going into the little pool. A sudden energy explodes under us lighting up the water. I feel my powers replenish as my mid shift patterns glow. The sun is slowly setting and a rock hides us from its rays, making the pool the main light source. Our marks start to shine under our skin, and without pain they make their way to our hands. Sulu leaves the water and slowly drifts above our heads. We watch as the shells following him up making a ring around him. He looks down at us and I can almost see a smile on his face. "Thank you all for helping us. Thank you all for the experiences you've given me. Thank you all for protecting me. Thank you all for befriending me. We must take our leave and return to our planet. But not without giving you all a gift." All this spills out of Natalyn's mouth as she continues to watch Sulu. We also return our gaze to Sulu. "What are you giving us?" I ask him and once again I can see the smile. Before we know it we're floating out of the water. Sulu fades away with a goodbye in his beautiful voice. "Goodbye Sulu." I whisper. The shellstones fly higher and brighten, making them look like... "Stars. He's giving us stars." At the moment of Natalyn's realization the water around the Island lights up just as brilliantly as the pool. Waves erupt from the once calm sea as the glowing grows closer. We are now really high off the ground, high enough to watch as this amazing formation comes from the bottom of the ocean. The last licks of light touch a sleek but glittery surface like a dome. It's followed by a darker metal, circling it and then spreading out it's legs. The object looks like a crystal overall but with that black metal caging it like a hand. The spaceship, I presume, is fully out the water and I can see the bottom. Three more parts jut out the main object like crystals in a cave. The spaceship levels with us before the dome part flickers on. Suddenly we're somewhere else, the space around us changes stars, planets and galaxies are at our finger tips. They slowly dance around us before zooming into a certain elliptical galaxy. With an abrupt stop we appear right in front of a massive blue planet. We zoom again to see a kingdom. Just like the space ship, the kingdom looks like crystal formations. However, they aren't random but have been built perfectly to support each other. The planet is like a water droplet there is no atmosphere. "Amazing..." I hear someone say through our link. We watch a blast off of one of the spaceships and suddenly we're in it's point of view. This is Sulu's spaceship. I realize as we start reliving their voyage. Sparkling stars and blazing suns flew by. We get a chance to observe both horrific and magnific creatures on different worlds. We slowly come to a stop at earth, but the satellites are confusing the sensors in the ship. There's an impact, a meteor rams into it's side. It falls through the atmosphere and under the sea water. They send out a distress call, a wail sounds slowly to their planet. By the time it reaches their planet 3o years have passed. It took 30 years for their answer to come. We watch day and night go by and the population on the ship slowly lessons. There are only a few left, hardly enough to make the trek back. Then the meteor shower. Six stars fall from the sky and rekindle their hope. The flashback speeds through our encounters with Sulu and all he learned from our actions. Then it returns to us, in present. The shellstones are shown being welded from a rock at their planet and sent to earth. It ends and I notice that the ship lacks power. The six stars return to us and sink into our hearts and once again our patterns glow. We've been given these powers to get the ship home. With outstretched hands, the energy the stars have drain from us and into the ship. A loud vibrating noise fills the air as the ship comes fully to life. Our glow dims as streams of light fly to the dome of the ship. After all the energy leaves us it drifts higher in the sky while we are returned to the ground. The spaceship fades with the sky before leaving a streak of stardust. The sparkles rain on us as a number comes to mind, 3, three hours before we lose our powers. I finally get a chance to look at the people around me. Kai's long hair once again blocking his eyes, a small smile on his face. Drew's blue eyes are trained on his quickly healing scar. Natalyn continues to stare at the sky, no doubt feeling the connection she had with Sulu disappear. Miko holds her hand to her heart where the stars entered. And finally I look at Isaac who is already looking at me with a frown on his face. The sadness in his green eyes causes me to grab his hand. "Come on," I say, "Let's make the most of this." With only have three hours to say goodbye, standing here is a waist of time. The stardust glows and we start to levitate again, space close enough to touch. We glide around each other. "These stars we have will always be a reminder of what we've seen and done. A reminder of each other." Miko takes Natalyn's hand then mine. Natalyn and Drew soar downwards together and once we've all had our fun, we go after them. Diving straight underwater we meet up with them. They've shifted to their animals and the others follow suit but I just watch them. Seeing such magnificent creatures up close just puts me at awe. I, along with the animals, go as deep as we can. We see things you can only see in science books as well as things no one has ever heard of. Drew grabs something from the sand and gives it Natalyn. Before I can see it both Isaac and Miko need air. We return to the pool and dry off, softly laying on the ground. "Thirty, 30 minutes." Natalyn whispers, her eyes not leaving the beautiful rock in her hand. The rest of us continue staring at the sky. "Man, you guys still have my number." Kai sighs sitting up. We all nod. "It's not like we're never seeing each other again." He ads and Miko sits up too. "Your right! I always visit the US, I can probably see you guys when I do." She says but I can see her eyes start to glisten. Time was almost out and it was time to leave. Standing up, Miko hugs me tight. "This isn't goodbye okay?" she tells me when we pull apart. I can only nod in reply as we hug again. She hugs everyone else before getting to Kai. He takes of the necklace he always wears and puts it around her neck. "See you around." He whispers and with a final wave, Miko vanishes. Kai puts his arms around us after making us recite his number. "Anytime guys. I'm never too busy for friends." He grins and leaves us. Natalyn and Drew have nothing to say to each other because they will see each other when the school year starts. I basically jump on her, after all this time we finally met again but now we have to separate. "Send me a picture of what you do with that rock." I whisper and she nods. They say "so long" together and disappear. "How are you getting your boat back?" I ask Isaac. He smirks, "Good question." he mutters and I giggle. "If you ever see the S.S. Lochness make sure to say hi." he hugs me before kneeling on the ground. Standing back up he pours sparkly sand in my hand. Stardust. He gives me a sad smile and I know he's about to leave. Just in time I kiss his cheek but when I open my eyes I'm in my room. My gaze automatically find the only object on my wall. A painting Isaac made of us. The background a coral reef but in the foreground are six animals. A stingray buried in the sand, a shark circling behind an anemone, a octopus hiding in a cave, a turtle in the front, a dolphin by the massive coral and a jellyfish floating above it all. The painting is incredibly beautiful but the story behind it? I wouldn't trade it for the world.

The End

(Picture of the space ship)

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