Where is He

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Two men walk out, conversing. The older one in a lab coat, the bigger one in an army uniform. I zone into their conversation. "Whatever that thing is, it's not an animal... It's not from earth... And neither are those kids." the scientist said. The officer considers his words. "If what your saying is true, this may be a big problem. For now just lay low and..." they leave my hearing range as they turn the corner towards the elevators. There's only three people in that room and two of them are our friends. It's my turn. I creep in the room since the men didn't close the door. A young woman in a lab coat is sitting at a desk facing away from me. I slowly walk towards her raising my hand. The moment I reach for her she turns around. At least her blond hair is away from her neck. Before she could say anything, I put my fingertips on her jugular vein and small needles come from them. Immediately after the poison is injected, her eyes roll back in her head and she goes limp on the chair. "Coast is clear." I tell them absent mindedly, hoping the poison isn't lethal. They all run in and close the door. Kai and Miko go straight to the patient tables Drew and Natalyn are strapped on. Isaac comes towards me to look at the girl, sharing my worried expression. "Let's find an antidote just in case." He says so we scan the room. A marine biology lab should carry all types of antidotes in an emergency kit. When I manage to find something for jellyfish stings, I follow the directions and inject her with the specified amount. "Hopefully she'll wake up within the hour." I sigh as Isaac puts everything back the way it was. Finally, we focus our attention to our friends, Natalyn has awaken but drew is still out. I notice the bandage on his side, it's big and bulky. We run to him and also try to wake him up. "We can't stay here forever. We have to leave." As if on queue with Miko's words, we can hear footsteps outside the door. We unbuckle Drew and teleport to my house. Against my will, they place Drew in my bed. I didn't want to sound insensitive by saying 'what's wrong with the couch' so I let them. Now we're surrounding Natalyn and asking her what happened. She breathes in "Someone took Sulu and shot Drew in his shark form. We both shifted back in front of that guy." She face palms, shaking her head. "I'm sorry guys." Miko and I were closest so we comforted her, encouraging her to continue. Natalyn starts over and explains everything in detail, then we decide she needs to rest. Her vacation ended a week ago so she goes to Colorado. She decided to take Drew to his house, well to his room. "Now that we have them back, how do we find Sulu?" I ask the obvious question. Everyone looks at Miko so she answers, "You guys, I don't know. Just get some rest, we can come back here tomorrow."

One by one they came back to my house. First Isaac, it looked like he fell out of bed and came here. It light brown hair was tousled beyond belief, covering his sleepy green eyes. He went straight to my kitchen to get a cup of milk, then to the couch. He sat right next to me and chugged the milk down. We sat in silence for a while waiting for someone else to show up. Natalyn arrived in better condition, her hair in a ponytail. She told us that Drew had awakened and might join us. She also went into my kitchen to get an apple. Kai actually looked worse than Issac. Maybe because his hair was longer it refused to obey him, much like my hair. He decided to go back telling us to call him when Miko gets here. It had been a few hours when Miko showed up, almost noon. We did as Kai asked and called him. Now we're all here except Drew. "I have a plan." Miko finally says. We look at her excitedly, replies coming out all at once. After shushing us she starts her plan. "So the only way we can find Sulu is Natalyn or if he calls us. We can try those but there's something else... Sulu used our shellstones to transport him, right? Maybe we can transport him back." I considered her plan and agreed. Once we were unanimous, we teleported to the same place Natalyn took us the day we met Sulu. "Wasn't it Sulu the one who pulled the shellstones out?" Natalyn asks because no matter how much we try it simply doesn't work. Miko sits on sand putting her head in her hands. "That was all I could think of guys. Why wouldn't it work?"
"Maybe you don't have enough people." the voice that answers Miko is none other than "Drew!" We all said in unison. After making sure his wound is healed, which it is because his shark, we reformed the circle we made. This time our shellstones glows but even though it shouldn't, the alien technology burned out of us. A bright light glows in front of us before blinding us. I loose my eyesight but it comes back in someone else's eyes. People in lab coats were staring at me and writing things down. "We'll have to start the tests soon. It's not responding." said a distant voice of one of the scientists. The scene zooms through a corridor into a room. Are these the tests? They look like torture devices. It zooms out and to another room, control systems. Labels read different forms of environmental hazards. Once the view zooms out the feeling is different, like before it was showing me what the scientists are going to do. Now it was telling me how to stop them. After seeing the potential problems but overall the route through the building, the view zoomed out of the Miami institute and quickly back to us. My consciousness returns to me as the shellstone painfully went back to my neck. Surprisingly, we were still standing. "Did you all see that?" Miko asks us. We all nod but Natalyn answers "I didn't just see I heard." We look at her confused. Does she mean what the scientists were saying? Isaac voices my thoughts. She looks at us all like we forgot something. "Ugh I mean Sulu! He told me his plan. She went through each of our parts in the same detail Sulu must have given her. We were finally ready, as long as we get to Sulu in time.

(Picture of Natalyn's animal)

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