Where Are They

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(New points of views yay! This is so much fun I hope you're enjoying it too! I messed up with the way of writing numbers, so it probably won't be consistent. I can't really think of anything else to say so... Here's the next chapter!)

(Marcie's POV)
I don't understand what happened, it was so sudden. I had left Natalyn and Drew to put the tank on my desk and decided to wait for them. It had only been a few minutes before a pain shot through my side and spread through my body. I managed to hold in a scream but soon lost consciousness. I'm in my bed now but I know I fell on the floor. "She's awake!" I hear Ariana say. I manage to open my eyes to see my  mom still in her veterinarian uniform, she looks at me relieved but refocuses. "How are you feeling? What happened?" she asks me. There is no trace of the pain but I still don't know what happened. Kaila comes in with water and a sandwich. Placing it on my desk. "Marcie you've been acting weird since the school year ended. What's going on."
When she turns around to look at me all my drowsiness disappears. I trust my family, should I tell them? Now my mother is looking at me expecting an answer. I don't know if they'll believe me but I decide to tell them everything. When I finish explaining all that happened and all I can do they had a hard time accepting the information. Their instantly convinced when I mid shift to my half and half form. After they examine me and make sure I'm alright I try and contact the others. "Is anyone there?"
Isaac answers first, "Marcie, what happened? Are you ok?"
"I'm fine. Do you have Sulu?"
"No, you three had him last."
I sigh "Are you at your house?"
"Yeah but my parents are here. I can't go anywhere yet... I think we've been out for six hours."
Oh my... No one told me that. "We need to contact the others." I say and we continue trying to reach them. Soon Kai responds "What happened?" He asks, we still don't know and he doesn't have Sulu. Miko voice finally comes, "What's going on? Did you all blackout too?" with a resounding yes silence holds for a second. "Where's Natalyn and Drew? They had Sulu last." her question directed to me.
"I don't know I left them at the reef... Do you think something happened to them?" I'm starting to panic but Miko stays level headed and tells us we'll all look for them together. That's when Ariana walks into my room. She sits next to me and shows me the current news.  Oh no...  I show everyone what I see through the link. "They've found Sulu." The title of the page is 'New Species Found' and under it is a picture of the little alien swimming obliviously. Now everyone is panicking. "We have to go now! We'll meet at the reef." Miko tries and fails to keep her voice calm. I get up, taking my sister with me to tell my family I have to go. Before I hear a protest I teleport to our destination. We're all a bit distanced from the reef, cautious and rightly so. People with cameras are all over the reef. Miko tells us to shift, I listen despite being uncomfortable with my animal. With my eyesight impaired I use my other senses to drift towards the reef. Miko's turtle is hiding under a coral shelf, Kai's stingray has already camaflouged himself on the sea floor so I don't know where he is. Isaac will be confronting the people, his dolphin swims up to them. Their attention immediately leaves the reef as Isaac does a few tricks. They follow him with their cameras and he slowly takes them away from the reef. "I smell blood." the abrupt comment from Kai came into my head. "It's been a few hours but it's there." He adds coming up from his hiding place along with Miko. "What do we do?" I ask her. We all swim behind a rock so we can shift back. "I don't know Marcie. I don't know where any of them could be. " She looks down and shakes her head. Kai is still looking around but he shakes his head as well. "I can't smell it anymore." He says. We don't know where Natalyn and Drew went and we don't know what's happening to Sulu.

Since I told my family about this we decided to stay at my house. We're now sitting on my couch and drying ourselves with towels. My mom will have to go back to work soon but we caught her before she left. We tell her what's happened now and ask her what we should do. She turns on the TV and the news comes on. "The scientists of Miami's research institute..." The TV screen shows the building, "...will start running tests on it's origin if the behavior tests at Tampa Bay's institute fail to identify it." We watch as Sulu is placed in a small container while the reporter talks about it. " If they have your alien, they might have your friends too. You have to figure out which one they're at first." She looks at us and sighs. "I wish I could stay but I'm leaving it to you kids. If something else goes wrong just call." She hugs me and my sisters then leaves. We sit there for a while before starting a plan for Tampa Bay. We suddenly hear a faint call, the call we hear from the shellstones. It's time to use our new found powers. We teleport to Miami and hear nothing. Tampa Bay it is. We look up it's location and how it looks. When we get there, the call comes back stronger. "All three of them are here. Using his dolphin powers Isaac finds five guards surrounding the area. We go to the least guarded side of the building. However there is some sort of electronic alarm system. So the only one who can possibly do something about it is Kai, but he continuously says 'I'm not that kind of ray'. He finally steps up and focuses on a specific wire, touching it until a small shock comes from his hands. "This will probably be disabled for a few seconds let's go". He looks up at us and we nod, all running inside the building. He disabled more cameras and we were able to make it to the third floor. The first thing we see is the word LAB in big letters with an arrow under it. Well that way it is. I think as we walk in that direction. I can feel the energy from the shellstones as we get closer to a door. Isaac estimates about five people but he's a bit unsure. "Where's Sulu?" he wonders out loud in our heads. Now that I think about it, the three calls had faded to two. We don't know how to get in without being seen. We are trying to come up with a plan when we hear the doorknob turn.

(Picture of Kai's animal)

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