Summer's Just Begun

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(Hello I hope you like this story. If you don't tell me what's wrong... Nicely. I can't take anything but constructive criticism. I really want to make a good book so I need all the help I can get. Enjoy!)

11:55 last day of school. I'm listening to Mrs. Granby's "see you next year" speech while watching the clock. 11:56 I tap my pencil in harmony with the seconds ticking. 11:57 I look at all my classmates easily since I'm in the back of the room. I don't really know any of them. I moved to Florida at the beginning of my Freshman year. Imagine starting highschool in a new place with no friends and no social skills. The sudden ringing of the bell snaps me out of my thoughts. I stand up and go straight to the front. Mrs. Granby assigned me to wipe the board. I brush off the chalk for the last time this year.
"See you next year Marcie!" she says as I run out of the classroom. I pack up my locker and grab my phone. I live a block from the school so my older sister and I could walk home together. My little sister still has a day left since she was just finishing 8th grade. Next year Kaila would no longer have to drive to get to Ariana's middle school. We would all be in Northminster highschool together. Kaila says bye to all her friends from the swim team although they're going to meet up every other week to continue their practice for the finals. I wait patiently, trying to pretend I'm busy with my phone when I look up to see mister geek-with-an-attitude and his brother brush past me like I'm invisible. The Moris boys Cade and Liam. They're not only in the same grades as us, they also live at the end of our street three doors down from us. Our mothers happen to be friends and expect us to walk home with them. So being "Mommy's girls and boys" we listen. They pause near the stop sign to wait for us and finally Kaila leaves her friends. We all cross the street in silence. Even though we walk home from school every day since we moved here, we're still not friends. Other than the rare small talk, we haven't ever had a conversation with them. Today Cade kept looking back at me. He's obviously not going to say anything so I have to say something first.
"What's up" I say to him. It takes a while but he answers with "Nothing" then another pause. "What are your final grades?"  He looks back and I stare at him before stuttering out. "Actually I got on the honor roll for A's and B's"
"Oh?" He then refocuses on the sidewalk. I know he wants me to ask him what his grades are. But I already know Cade got the highest grade in our class cause he's holding the "Congratulations straight A's!" paper in his hands. Thankfully, we arrive at our home. The boys continue on without a word and we walk inside. We would have to pick Nayla up at 3:00 and our mom would be home by five. With 2 and a half hours to kill, we both immediately run into our rooms and remove our school uniforms. Coming down with jean shorts and my new swimsuit, I pull my dumb curly hair into a short ponytail. Kaila runs down the stairs with a blue sundress. Unlike my hair Kaila wears her beautiful dark brown hair straight down to her collarbone. Guess she got the better genes. We race to her car and I surprisingly win. She throws the keys at me knowing I'd scream. I still let out a squeak but I get to drive so I smile and hop into the car. I'll be fifteen next month but I look 18 and I follow all the rules plus Kaila looks 20-something so we're good. I roll slowly into a beach parking lot and turn the car off. Soon we're running down the sand hills of the beach, stopping shortly to neatly place our bags down. Finally we meet the splashing waves and jump in.

After splashing each other and playing, Kaila gets serious and starts lapping around. I busy myself finding shells under the sand but soon the ground is farther to reach. I break the surface and fear instantly grips me. The shore is so far away, too far for anyone to hear me. I start swimming back quickly when I feel a small current by my leg that was obviously created by something other than me. I freeze. I don't know what to do. When the presence comes back I swim as fast I can. I know it's no use, but I also know staying still and crying won't do. I don't understand how but out of nowhere hands grab my shoulders and turn me around. Fear vanishes and confusion blooms as I look at the weird boy with blue gray hair. I almost opened my mouth when his voice came to my ears. "Hold your breath" he whispers before pulling me under.
We began swimming to the cliff edge, farther away from land. He continues to pull me farther with excitement. I don't know this guy and I'm pretty sure he's leading me to my death. I'm losing air quickly but the scene beyond the edge makes me gasp... Underwater. I try to start the swim back to the surface but the boy pulls me back down. He looks at me with a concerned and questioning face. So I move my hand to my neck to show I'm choking. Recognition flashes on his features and he looks up. I look up too, I see that I won't be able to make it. I start to panic as my brown eyes go to his green ones. I already have black spots in my vision when his hands grab my face. I feel his shockingly warm lips meet mine. It takes a minute but I realize he's trying to give me air. So I open my mouth and he gives me enough to make it back up.

I resurface and gulp in the salty but pure oxygen. I look around and not only am I farther from shore but the boy isn't here with me. I panic again before blushing. He probably gave me all his air when we... My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the boy's head coming out the water. He once again turns me around and smiles apologetically. He places something in my hand. I open it to see a beautiful seashell the size of a locket charm. It's a color I've never seen on a shell. It looks like a violet crystal. I inspect it further when the boy mutters something. The shell sinks into my hand causing me to scream. I feel a searing heat crawl up my arm over my shoulder until it reached my neck. I can see a glow from the corner of my eye but I'm focused on the boy. I raise my voice from a whisper "Who are you and what did you do to me!?"
He seems so happy with himself. He proudly says "My name is Issac and I just made you half alien!"
"What?!?" I yell, but he once again he grabs my hand and gives me a reassuring smile. "I'll explain everything at the reef." He chirps before pulling me under the waves.

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