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(Hello, I feel like it's getting a bit complicated but I hope you understand what happens. It's a bit wordy too but oh well. Enjoy this chapter but if you don't, make sure to leave constructive criticism. Thanks!)

"There's something wrong" Natalyn says for the hundredth time. We agree for the hundredth time. As time kept ticking by a thought kept nagging me, only I didn't know what it was saying. It was also the gut feeling to hurry because something really bad is going to happen. We're not together at the moment, having to part for our specific role in Sulu's plan. We as in Miko, Kai, Natalyn and I, are at institute. Even though it requires more effort, Kai is able to disable the camera systems again. With the cameras gone we go in freely. However, being a high security area we're in, naturally we should expect higher security. Miko cautiously looks down the first hall then beckons us along. Natalyn tries to locate Sulu as we take turns keeping watch. Then we hear it, a sound of fear from the back of or minds. From Sulu. Our stealthy manner forgotten, we all race down the corridor to an elevator. Surprisingly it's empty so we hurry in and push third floor. The call gets stronger as we reach the third story. The doors open and we rush out but this time they're are people. Two people in uniform are walking towards us. They're arguing lets us go unnoticed but not for long. The elevator is at the end of the hallway, trapping us there.
"Have you been practicing Natalyn?" I whisper to her. She considers what I said for a minute before whispering back. "I can hardly keep it for a second, I can't do it for everyone one!" Still the officers were coming closer so we all grabbed onto Natalyn. Over and over she tries to blend us to the wallpaper but the illusion became distorted every time. "Last chance." Came Kai's voice. He was right, they're conversation got slower as they neared us. Natalyn turned inviable and grabbed Kai turning him invisible too. "Get behind us." she tells us. That confused me, if we get behind her won't they see us? My question is answered when Miko listens. Of course! Octopi don't turn invisible, they copy their surroundings! I leap behind them just as the officers look up. They walk into the still opened elevator asking each other why it's open. Nevertheless, the elevator doors closed and they were safe. Natalyn almost collapses but Miko and Kai support her.
"I don't think I can do much more." She says with a weak voice. I scout out a place we can rest and call the others in my mind. We can't stay long so we soon continue. The fear comes again but it's stronger. Either  we're closer or something's about to happen. As we get closer to the sound I start feeling suspicious. We can't rescue him like we rescued Natalyn and Drew. They know that we're looking for Sulu. I tell the others what I think as we reach our destination. I focus all my energy on the air around me, trying to feel how many people are behind this door. I know Sulu's in there but I can hardly feel the presences of anyone else. I can't tell the presences apart but I know they're there. After our first attempt to plan something, Kai uses all his power to shut the electricity off. The lights are out and our eyes are useless since there are no windows to bring sunlight in. We hide behind the door when someone opens it.

"We'll see what's wrong." a female voice came from the dark followed by  two pairs of footsteps. Before the door could close Miko and I rush in. They've done their part of the plan. Finally I can feel how many people there are, eight, but my main focus is the presence of a little alien in the middle of the room. We creap past people being as quiet as we can be. I reach out only to come in contact with a metal barrier between me and Sulu. Great... I know we only have little time before the lights come on. I continue feeling for an opening and come in contact with a button. I push it and nothing happens.
"I think the controls went out with the electricity." Miko says as I push the button again.
"Then how do we get him out?" I ask her after giving up. Kai joins our conversation, "You guys are out of time!" He yells in our heads. We both nod and use the last power Sulu gave us. It causes us to mid shift, our patterns glowing neon. The metal began to vibrate where we touched before melting away the two inch thick wall. A hole forms instantly and Miko grabs Sulu. The lights flicker on as we burst out the door. With her work done and her power used, Natalyn already transported out. Kai waited for us and when we ran past him he was right on our tails. Those stupid scientists didn't have Sulu in water so he was weakening quickly. Thankfully the institute is near a dock so as soon as we get out he can be put in water. Before the guards catch us we jump into the elevator. We've run out of almost all the energy we had but getting out was a priority. The doors open to a full lobby, full of more guards. We try to somehow blend in to get closer to the exit when an alarm goes off. After that we transport, appearing right outside the property, drained of energy. Now we have to reach the ocean the way normal people do. Once again we're running, unable to even use our telepathy to call the others. I can still hear the alarm even though we're about two blocks away now. In Meadow Wood Park, the last part our plan goes into action. Miko gave Sulu to Kai. As if on cue black SUV's drive by. They're already out their cars when Isaac transports him and Sulu. All we have to do is get to Drew before they reach us. Hoping they don't see our faces we run behind a tree. Then the rest of the way to Drew. He has a wary look on his face as he grabs our shoulders. We flicker but remain there.
"I don't have enough power to take you both." He says looking at his wound. "You guys go I have an idea!" Miko yells as the two guards get closer. "There has to some other way! You don't have anymore power!" I yell back, still holding on. Miko grabs my hand and smiles. "Trust me." I sigh and nod, closing my eyes. When I open them I'm on a boat. Miko is no longer in front of me but I can still see her and the two men. They reach in their belts and pull out taxer guns. A voice fades into my hearing and I realize Kai has been talking to me. "How could you leave her!?" He accuses me and continues to try teleporting to her. I don't reply, simply watch. The guns shoot but she doesn't move. They slow down in front of her before she runs down the dock. She leaps in the water and disappears. Kai jumps off the ship, bringing Sulu with him. We all stare at the water for what seems like minutes before Kai resurfaces with an unconscious Miko in his arms. The life ring buoy is thrown to them and the boys lift them up. "She's not breathing." I whisper as they lay her on the ground, "What do we do?!" adds Natalyn. No one knows how to perform CPR but what to do is common knowledge. "Ok! I'll try but who's doing the mouth to mouth?" I know we don't have time for discussion so I start the chest compressions. Kai runs his hands through his wet hair and leans forward, tilting her head back and plugging her nose. His hair covers their faces but when he pulls back I repeat the compressions. Before we can do it a third time Miko coughs up water then rests, opening her eyes. "She's okay guys." I say and we all sigh in relief.
"Who kissed me?" she mutters, pulling our attention back to her. She's looking between me and Kai through half opened eyes. When we all point at him, she sighs loudly and mutters "good". Kai blushes but it fades when a call comes to our minds. It wasn't Sulu.

(Picture of the Island)

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