Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Not all the story of the great Cybertronian rebellion against can be told, but suffice it to say, it had ended successfully. Cybertron was a free planet for once, and the Quintessons had left it fully matured and capable of reaching to greatness beyond any known before. Victory was fresh in all the bots of the world, and it seemed that any challenge now was a minor triviality that could easily be dealt with.

Alpha Trion was more prouder than he ever could have been. Pride swelled within him as he sat in his study overlooking the proud city of Iacon. This was glorious enough to rival the euphoria he had felt after his original triumph over Unicron. back then, there were only thirteen bots to make a difference in the world. And that had turned out horribly. Now, there were millions of bots who finally possessed the freedom to do what they wished, no matter their circumstance or capability.

Of course, there had been tragedy. Rising up against the Quintessons themselves was tantamount to certain failure. Thousands of bots had heroically given their lives in the effort to rid Cybertron of its alien filth. They would be remembered as heroes. But the ones with the greater glory attributed to them were those who still lived. Such as Sentinel Zeta. The rebel who had thought to defy his omnipotent masters and had gained such an influence as to help others realize this, too. Charging at the head of battle, he had openly defied the beings he once knew as creators. He was considered a savior to Cybertron, a simple warrior who had delivered his people out of the hands of those who held them in captivity.

Still, it bothered Alpha Trion that he had been given such a title as Prime. Perhaps it was because the only Primes he had known before were his brethren among the Thirteen and himself, and it was a new concept to him that an ordinary bot could be a Prime. For all he knew, it was a worthy rank to one who had done all that Sentinel Zeta had done. There were no more Primes to lead the people in their time of oppression, so now they begged for one.

If they knew the truth, he thought, they would wonder why I was not such a savior. True, he was a Prime, but his days of leading were over. He had grown old and solitary in his time under Quintesson rule. When they had first proclaimed themselves gods, they made sure to reap for any other beliefs that prevailed over their lies. Belief in Primus was one such, so they hunted down any who would attest to Primus' reality, especially a Prime himself. So Alpha Trion had gone into hiding amongst the data clerks, relying on those bots who tried to start up revolutions early on to find him and feed him the information that would be incorporated into the Covenant of Primus. He had never been found, thankfully, because he knew the time was not yet come for him. Seeing as he had lived so long as the only Prime remaining on Cybertron, he had come to the belief that he had yet to play a role in future events.

Now was the time for a new Prime to lead Cybertron to its ages of prosperity and expansion. The sense of victory was invigorating bots to pioneer, industrialize, and live life to the fullest. And Sentinel Zeta Prime would lead them to that glory. Back in the dark ages of Cybertron culture where Alpha Trion had ruled prominently and on into the Age of Wrath he named after the Quintessons, more Space Bridges had been built that could reach into the distant corners of the galaxy. All Cybertron needed to do was open the gates of glory and seize the opportunity. But first, they needed to find a way to work the Bridges. That was a trial that would easily be rectified once Alpha Trion showed them how to work them.

Alpha Trion gazed happily at the skyline of the city he loved so dearly. It had been built in honor of the Primes and had been his home before the Quintessons had come. It was one of the best feelings ever to finally return once those horrid aliens had left. Now it was covered in colorful banners of celebration and echoed with the cheers of reunited friends and family. All was well.

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