Peter Pan Never Fails

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(Bree's P.O.V.)

"Are we almost there?" I groaned, tired of all the walking we've been doing nonstop.

"No, now if you could shut up, that would be helpful." Regina answered.

"But my legs are killing me!" I whined.

"To bad. Now quit your whining or get left behind." Regina replied.

"You can't leave me here. What would Belle say? And Rumple? I'm the main reason he's here." I retorted.

"Bree's right Regina. We can't do that to Belle. We told her we would get back her sister no matter what and we are going to do just that." Emma added.

"Yeah, so can we take a break now?" I asked.

"Regina's also right, we can't stop." Mary Margret answered.

I growled and gritted my teeth together in irritation. Being the little badass I am, I stopped abruptly and crossed my arms over my chest. They all stopped and stared at me in annoyance. Emma walked up to, pure rage radiating off of her. Her eyes narrowed as she began to speak.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Emma questioned, pulling her dagger out and pointing it at me.

"Stopping," I answered in a duh tone.

"No, you are ruining our chances at beating Pan. Stop trying to sabotage the one thing I want back right now, Henry." Emma spat.

I couldn't help the smirk that over took my face as I backed up and sat on a log. I crossed my legs over one another and clasped my hands together, resting them over my knees. I let out an exaggerated breath, knowing it would get under Emma's skin.

"GET UP!" Emma roared.

Her eyes were wild as my smirk began to form into a sly smile. I tilted my head to the side, watching as she became more and more furious. I bit my lip, trying to hold back the laugh that was threatening to escape. My eyes widened in amusement as she punched a nearby tree.

"What did the poor tree do to you?" I quizzed innocently.

Emma's eyes snapped over to mine. Her stormy blue eyes had nothing but irritation and rage dancing within them. Her breathing was heavy, as if she had finished running a marathon. Within a split second, she lunged at me. I let out a small squeal as my back hit the unforgiving ground. She began yelling at me while holding the knife up to my throat.

"I WILL KILL YOU! DO YOU HEAR ME? I WILL KILL YOU!" Emma threatened loudly.

Emma was pulled off of me by Hook and David. I stood up and brushed myself, small traces of dirt left on my clothing. I watched as Hook tried comforting Emma, obviously having a thing for her. Emma slowly calmed down, but not completely.

"Well I think my legs are well rested. Shall we continue our journey?" I quizzed, a smirk never leaving my face.

I skipped off toward the direction of the ocean. Skull Rock was an island type place that was a good few miles away. The smell of ocean water filled my nose and in that sense, it was calming. I walked toward the many rocks piled over one another and waited for the crew to get here.

David emerged from the forest first, leading the way for everyone else and obviously trying to playing hero. Funny, I could see right through him and I knew he was hurting. Even if everyone else didn't.

"Took you long enough. And you say I weigh everyone down." I spoke.

"Well, you know your way around the island a little better than we do for obvious reasons." Regina countered.

"Yeah, because my attempts of escape the first week I was here totally gave me a sense of direction. I'm pretty sure you guys just suck at getting around the island." I retorted.

"Well we made it so, if you could shut up that would be great. Regina, the honors." Emma replied, gesturing toward the water.

"Whatever," Regina grumbled.

With the wave of her hand, a boat appeared. Regina then proceeded to gesture for everyone to get on. Me being me, I skipped over and hopped on first. They began to file into the boat, then began rowing toward the island. I sat watching the water ripple and splash lightly, it was probably the most mesmerizing thing ever. Well, Peter's eyes were a lot more mesmerizing.

"So, what are y'all going to do after we get there?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Simple. Bring back Henry, defeat Pan, and leave." Emma answered, staring ahead.

"Okay, but what happens when your plan flops?" I quizzed.

"It won't, but if it does I'll do everything in my power to get it right back on track." Emma stated.

"Straight to the point. I like it, I like it." I chuckled.

They continued on rowing until we finally made it to Skull Rock. I was the first one to hop off the boat and onto the rocky surface. I landed with a soft thud and skipped up to the entrance of Skull Rock. I turned and waited for everyone to join, falling to the back of the group. They rushed to the top, anticipation filled the air as they ran up the steps. Once we reached the top Emma yelled out.


"Mom?" Henry asked confused, holding his heart in his hand.

"Henry, I need you to listen to me. Pan is only trying to save himself." Emma stated, hoping that Henry wouldn't fulfill Peter's plan.

"Henry remembered what I told you? Grown ups lie because they're selfish and only think about themselves." Peter stated to Henry.

"That's not true! We love you, Henry!" Regina yelled out.

"They don't want you to be the hero!" Peter continued.

"Henry he's lying to you." Emma continued on.

Henry was quiet and I could tell he was thinking about what Peter, Emma, and Regina had said. Henry looked up and smiled at them, causing Peter to become a little uneasy.

"We don't have much time Henry." Peter sighed.

"I'm sorry mom, but I have to do this." Henry finally answered.


It was to late as Henry had already placed his heart inside of Peter. Henry fell to the floor and everyone rushed over to him. Emma yanked her sword out and slashed Peter, barely touching him.

"How did that feel?" Emma asked sarcastically.

"Like a tickle." Peter went ahead and answered.

Peter's eyes locked on mine as a wicked smile over took his face, giving me the signal. I skipped over to him and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Bree, what are you doing?" Emma asked warily.

"Leaving with Peter." Was my answer before Peter flew us away.

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