Forever and Always

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(Bree's P

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(Bree's P.O.V)

I sat across from Henry-in-Peter's-body, Emma, and Regina. Rumple and Belle had told me about their plan to switch Henry and Peter back to their original bodies. They allowed me to go with them to see Peter as I was the only thing he wouldn't kill.

"She's back. The blue fairy, she gave us the wand." David announced, walking into the back room with Hook and Neal by his side.

"Do we need anything else?" Emma asked.

"Only one more." Rumple mumbled.

He walked over to his cabinet thing and took out an odd object looking from afar.

"What is that?" Mary Margret asked.

"This is one of the only useful things I took from Greg and Tamara before they left to Neverland. It renders anyone with magic under the powers." Rumple explained.

"I haven't forgotten about that by the way." Regina commented, staring at Hook.

"Let me see your wrist, dearie." Rumple lightly ordered Henry-in-Peter's-body. "I want to make sure when the old dad awakes he's weakened. This will block his powers."

"So what happens now?" Henry-in-Peter's-body asked.

"I enact the spell, you fall into a deep sleep. When you awake, you'll be back in your own body." Rumple informed.

"Then you hang on to that scroll and you come find us as fast as you can." Regina added.

"When I gave my heart to Pan, I thought I was being a hero. I'm sorry." Henry/Peter apologized.

"No your not the one who needs to be sorry, Pan does." David spoke up.

"Sorry for what? Being smarter than you?" I taunted.

They all stared at me as I crossed my arms and leant back in my chair.

"Can I shut the bitch up?" Regina asked, glaring my way.

"I'm afraid that'll only upset Pan and no ones aloud to mess with Belle's family." Rumple stated sternly. "It's time."

Henry/Peter laid down in the bed-like sofa, showing evident fear as he stared at the ceiling.

"Keep your eye on the wand." Rumple ordered softly as he began moving it back and forth above Henry/Peter. He tapped him softly on the forehead, causing a bright light to emit from him. He then began shaking roughly as if he was having a seizure.

"What's happening?" Emma asked concerned.

"Henry's spirit is leaving Pan's body." Rumple answered.

Everyone stood watching as he shook in pain. No one said a word, waiting to see if the spell worked. He soon stopped moving, resting back onto the bed.

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