Skull Rock

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(Bree's P.O.V.)


"Keep trying," Peter encouraged.

"I've been trying for the last three hours and every time I shoot this damn arrow, it misses the target!" I snapped.

"Well why don't you use that rage to focus on getting that arrow to where you want it to go. You've been improving over that few hours." Peter taught.

"Well, if you count missing the target by a foot to far or not far enough, then yes, I have been improving." I gritted out.

I pulled back another arrow on the bow string, exactly like how Peter had showed me. I took a breath, steadied the arrow, and released. I watched as it flew through the air and hit the tree behind it. I huffed in annoyance at missing the 79th arrow in a row.

"This is hopeless!" I groaned.

"Just keep practicing. Don't you know, practice makes perfect." Peter encouraged yet again.

"Yeah, there's another part of that saying. Practice makes perfect, if you have an actual skill set." I countered.

"I don't believe I've heard that part. Besides, who said you didn't have any skill?" Peter quizzed.

"Well if missing the targets miserably doesn't prove how hopeless I am, then don't know what does." I stated, turning to look at him.

"Just focus on making that arrow go where you want it to go-"

"You're an idiot for thinking that, that is ever going to work!" I exclaimed.

His eyes narrowed dangerously and I found myself rolling my eyes at him. Peter stomped towards me and felt myself smirk as he did so.

"Listen here princess, I am only trying to help and you're not making it any easier by being an ungrateful brat. I suggest you suck it up or you'll regret it." Peter growled.

"Well, Peter Pan strikes again. Showing his fangs at the girl he practically played. I am not one to be manipulated Pan and I never will be." I spat out.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Peter groaned.

"The fact that you don't love me and you only wanted me to be on your side so you could have a better chance at winning. Well guess what sweetheart, I can't be played easily. I know bullshit when I hear it." I growled.

"So your angry that I don't love you? How pathetic can your argument get?" Peter laughed.

"Well I guess it's about to become really pathetic because I am done with your shit." I stated with a light laugh of my own.

"Really? Now how's that?" Peter questioned, raising a brow.

"I'm leaving." I replied.

"Like hell I'll let you leave." Peter snapped.

"I didn't ask for your permission. I said I was, so I am." I countered.

I threw the bow and arrow onto the floor, spun on my heel ready to walk away. Peter quickly grabbed my upper arm spinning me back with a firm grip. As I spun around, I wielded my hand around, slapping him across the face. This caused him to loosen his grip and I ran, boy did I run like the wind.

The trees zoomed by and an all to familiar feeling coursed through my veins. Adrenaline kicked in helping me run faster, never slowing down until I made it to my destination.

Emma's Camp.

I smiled brightly, hurrying over to them. I saw Regina first, relaxing her back against a tree. Quietly, I walked over to them and as cliché as it was, I stepped on a branch. Regina looked over and released a fireball at me. I quickly ducked, not liking how I was in the line of fire. I made eye contact with her and she very lightly, relaxed. Releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding in, I stood back up.

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