Chapter 30

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Author Note: Hey guys sorry i haven't been up dating but i'm back now and ready to do more Scarlet Miles story and the ideas i have are still on the way but i added more into them anyways hope you enjoy it.

The Next Morning 

Peter POV:

I woke up and looked down and on my chest were my two gorgeous girls my wife and my daughter who were both still asleep, i flicked Scarlet on the nose hoping she would wake up and that and she did 

"Morning Scarlet love did you sleep okay"I said to her as she sat up very carefully as she had Violet in her arms 

"Morning Peter and i slept fine yourself"She said as she got up and put Violet back in the cot that i proofed up for her

"With you and our daughter sleeping in my arms i slept very well"I said standing up and walking over to her putting my arms around her waist from behind as she was staring at Violet 

"Wonder how our life would be like if we didn't have met"She said turning around and putting her arms around my neck staring into my eyes

"Nope and i don't want to think that i'm happy where my life is right now"I said to her 

"Yeah me too, when can i go home this gown is so not comfortable"She said 

"I could take it off for you and put you in my Shirt and get your leggings which are in the bag that your mother brought up for you"I said to her as she walked over to the bed where the bag was sitting on the bottom of the bed

Now my chance, i walked over to her and stood behind her pulling the gown that she had on off of her, i saw that she tensed up but then relaxed as she knew it was me doing it after it was off i saw that she had only her underwear which wasn't a problem for me since i had already seen what was under there i mean we had Violet together 

"Peter can you help i'm still a little bit sore"She said 

"Yeah sure"I said as she passed me my shirt and her legging, she turned around to face me as i started to put on her leggings.

A few minutes later 

Scarlet POV: 

After Peter had dressed me we walked out of the room that i slept in with Violet in her pram don't ask her but my mother went back to her house and found one of my prams that she used when she was taking me outside, when we got to the waiting room we saw everyone and when i say everyone i mean all the lost boys, My grandparents, My mother, My father, Henry, the Dwarfs, Ruby and her grandmother, Mr Gold and his wife Belle, Henry was the first person to notice us as he shouted so loud i think that the people on the other side of the hospital heard him

"Scarlet your alive"Henry Shouted as he ran up to me pulling me into a big tight hug

"Henry... Can't.. Breathe"I said

He pulled away from the hug as he walked to the pram to see Violet staring at him with a smile on her face aw some one misses her uncle Henry, i laughed at them both 

"Scar are you feeling any better then you were before"Belle said to me

"Yeah i am all i want to do is go to granny's and order some hot chocolate if that's alright with you granny"I said looking at ruby grand mother

"Of course it is honey off to my cafe we go everything is on the house just for today of course"Granny said as we all got up and walked out of the hospital, i walked beside Henry who was pushing Violet in the pram and Peter was with the lost boys behind us as for the rest they were a way ahead of us, as we were walking i had an idea i wanted Violet to see the house her mum lived in i turned to Henry 

"Henry do you want to go somewhere just me, you and Violet no one else but looked behind us and saw if Peter and the lost boys are still staring at us"I said to him as he looked behind him and saw Peter and the lost boys staring at us then looked back at me

"They are what is it"He said 

"We have to find a way to ditch them i want to show Violet our mother house the one we grew up in please Henry"I said begging him

"Alright i'm in but how are we gonna do that i mean wouldn't pan know something or send one of the lost boys to follow us"He said 

"Henry do you believe in magic"I said smirking as he did the same 

"I get you"He said 

"Great now give me my daughter pram and this is how it's gonna work you quickly run up to our mother and ask her well tell her if she could transport us to her house and we will call her when we are leaving"I said as he took off running ahead to tell our mother

I kept walking really fast, i looked down at Violet and saw that she was staring at me and was smiling and giggling

"What are you giggling at my beautiful baby girl"I said to her as she just looked at me then i heard running footstep, i looked up and saw Henry running back to me 

"She said she can't do it but there is a pathway passed the park we can take just remember that once we are there we only have a couple of hours to show Violet the house and the garden since we have to go back to Neverland well you, Peter, Violet and the lost boys do"He said 

Wait a minute they aren't coming with us but why 

"What hold on a minute your not coming back with me but Violet needs her uncle and i need my little brother what about Killian is he staying here as well"I said

"I'm sorry i can't we have to stay here but you go and i will still see Violet when i visit or when you come here"He said 

"You know what forget it just go and enjoy the hot chocolate i'm taking Violet myself just go with mum and the rest of them i need time by myself"I said as i turned right with Violet, ignoring Henry calling my name

I kept walking as i heard a bunch of footsteps behind me, i knew exactly who they belonged to Peter and the lost boys, i stopped letting them stand in front of me

"Scar what's going on why did you go this way and what did Henry say to make you angry"Peter Said as he put his hand on my shoulder

"Daddy Uncle Henry can't come to Neverland with Me, Mommy, you and lost boys Mommy sad"Violet said 

"Honey it's going to be fine who cares if they aren't coming i mean Killian is and he is your father right and me and Violet aren't leaving you right Violet"Peter said looking at Violet 

"Right Daddy can me go play in the park please me want to play in the park with Uncle Lost boys please"Violet said as she un-buckled her self from her pram and jumped down before i could say anything she grabbed Felix and Devin hands and ran away with them to the park as the rest of the lost boys followed them as me and Peter sat down on the park bench that was in the park watching them 

"You know i could get used to this"Peter said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as i put my head in his hard tanned chest

For the hours that we were there, we just sat on the bench watching our daughter and the lost boys get chased by Violet as we did we saw Violet touch Devin legs and putting her arms up for him to pick her up, i looked up at Peter and saw that he was looking down at me with a smile then he looked back at our daughter and the lost boys who were still all running around the place like they owned it, i laughed at our little family well big family since the lost boys don't have a mother or a father but to the younger ones me and Peter are the Mother and Father type to them.

I love them all so much, When  i saw peter looking at me again i sat up and sat on his lap, giving him a kiss on the lips which he gladly returned back smiling into the kiss, if i died this is where i want to be in Peter's arms kissing him and not letting go.

Chapter 31 on way 

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