Chapter 1

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  Author Note: this is going to be different than the series of OUAT, Pan isn't going to need Henry's heart as he is already immortal that's why he Kidnaps Henry's sister Scarlet you will see why he does that in the following Chapters. and Scarlet's father is someone that Emma had a one night stand with that's how Emma wants nothing to do with her because she was a mistake from her past and only Regina and Regina alone is Scarlet mother Figure anyway hope you guys enjoy my first peter pan love story. 

  At Regina's House
With Regina, Henry, Scarlet and Emma
Scarlet's POV:

"Emma she is your daughter you can't just ignore her for the rest of her life"my Adopted mother said to my Birth Mother just watching this makes me want to run away but i cant leave here as if we leave the town all of our memories will be taken away as well god Henry shouldn't be witnessing this but he has no choice.
"Yes i can Regina she is an Mistake of my past she reminds me of the guy i slept with"My Birth Mother shouted me and Henry looked at on another then back at our Moms we were sitting at the top of the stairs and there were standing in the middle of the hallway.

"Enough"I hear someone shout and i look beside me and saw nothing then looked in-font of me and saw Henry Standing at the bottom of the stairs looking at both of our mothers as they looked up and saw Me sitting on the Stairs about to cry.

 "Scarlet Honey Emma was just leaving"my Adopted mother said as she looked at my Birth Mother who looked angry but i didn't really care

"I'm going now where not without Henry"Emma Shouted god i hate her now i wish Regina was my Birth mum.

i ran back upstairs ignoring the shouts that Henry and my Adopted mum were saying to me, i ran into my bedroom and locked my door and started to pack my bags i don't care if i lose my memories all i would care about is me getting out of here this town, my Birth Mother not having to see her face every day, it took me only a few minutes to pack my bags when i hear something tapping on my window when i looked over at the window there was nothing there but it was opened which causes a drift in my room god its so cold, i walked over to shut my window when i looked down and saw Emma with Henry and Regina outside Speaking well Shouting at one another Emma saw me looking then Regina looked up then Henry did i quickly shut my window and curtains then burst into tears why me why does she hate me i know it was a one night stance but still. I turned around and saw two blue eyes staring at me.

Unknown POV: I was flying in the air, feeling someone was lost so i went to a small town called Storybook as i was flying pasted this house i hid in the tree beside the house, i wonder why they are shouting especially since there is a boy with them, they keep saying Scarlet who is this Scarlet person is she the one that's feeling lost the one that wants to come to Neverland with me and the lost boys i looked over and saw a window that was open i flew into the window without being seen as i landed in the room i looked around and say a girl who was perfect for me to take she has the amazing curves that fit her perfectly she would be a great mother to the lost boys and a great girl for me wait is she... Crying but why i must find out no one makes my girl cry no one i saw that she shivered i quickly flew to the corner of the room and hid there watching her go over to the window and watched how she just stared outside looking at the people there that must have made her upset that boy has to be her brother they look alike but who are the two women the blonde hair women (Emma) and the business women (Regina) i know what i have to do once she closed the window i was going to stand be hide her and take her away from this town i looked around her room and saw bags on her bed which made me think was she planning on leaving lucky i came just in time.

i noticed she closed the window time to be myself be noticed i flew be hide her and waited for her to turn around as she did she looked right at me wow she looks so beautiful i could wake up to her beside me every day of my life she opened her mouth to speak but i knew what she was going to say.

"Who are you"She said wow her voice fits her perfectly

"Oh did i forget to introduce myself sorry love i do that a lot i'm Peter Peter Pan and you are love"I said kissing her hand being polite

"Scarlet Scarlet Miles Nice to meet you Peter what exactly are you doing here and in my room"I heard her say that but that doesn't explain why she looked out side and closed her curtains and window

"You too love mind if i call you that love"i said as a sat on her bed looking at her panting the side of me for her to sit down, she walked over and sit beside me looking back at me i wonder whats she thinking.

Scarlet's POV: I sat down beside him looking at him, he has the most gorgeous eyes i've ever seen in my life but he didn't answer my question what is he doing here
"You didn't answer my Question Peter"

"Oh i didn't how silly of me i'm here to take you back with me to Neverland where you don't have to worry about those people standing outside right now"he said can i trust him

"You can really take me away from here and away from my Birth mum who hates me" The minute i said that his face changed into a concern look

"Yes i can and why does she hate you if you don't mind me asking"

"She had a one night stance with some guy and i was the product and ever since then Regina the Business Women brought me up alone then my Birth mum the Blonde women had another baby Henry my brother and Regina took him in as well since My mother couldn't let Henry grow up with a mother that didn't even look at him and ever since Regina is more than a mother to me then my real one is Emma always cared about Henry not me.

Peter pan POV: I took her hands in mine and looked straight at her i couldn't wait any longer i had to kiss her i leaned in as she did the same when our lips collided i felt something i have never felt before Sparks, i felt her kissing back which me smile into the kiss.
we were kissing for a few minutes then we pulled away and i says the words i have waited to say in my life

"Will you be my Girlfriend"  


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