Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Scarlet's POV:

It's now been 2 years well at least that's what Ruby said to me before they all headed back to Storybrooke, when i walked out of mine and Peter's tent and saw the most adorable thing i have ever saw in my life. Peter had our 3 year old daughter on his lap wait a minute 3 year old what she is 2 months old not 3 oh my god she has grown so fast does Peter know about this or did he not noticed at all

"Babe get over here and play with us"I heard a familiar voice said to me as i was pulled out of my thoughts

"I'm coming give me a minute"I said to him as i walked over to him and sat down beside him and was pulled into a hug by my daughter and Peter at the same time

"Mommy are you coming on the walk with me, Uncle Felix and Uncle Devin"Violet said since when can she speak like that oh god this is a dream, a dream i better wake up from

"No Violet she isn't Mommy is staying here with Daddy now off you go and enjoy your self with your uncles and remember if you spot any trouble you"he was interrputed by our daughter

"I run to my uncles if they aren't with me and they deal with it while i run back to camp and shout on you and Mommy"She said to him kissing his cheek then coming over to me and do the same thing she did to her father then running off to her uncles who were waiting for her as they walked off.

"Now how is my sexy, attractive, gorgeous, hot, funny, beautiful wife today"Peter said as he put his arm around my shoulder pulling me into his hard chest

"Really why so many words and i'm fine how is my Hot, Fit, Goodlooking, attractive, annoying and funny husband today" i said to him smirking into his chest

"Oh really i'm annoying you may want to make a rain check on that babe or else"he said smirking ah the famous smirk he always gives to people espically me since i get it the most of every day

"Or else what darling"i said to him looking at him

"Get in the tent now love and you will wish you didn't say that"he said as i quickly ran not to our tent to the forest.

I ran to the place where i always go if i'm upset or just want time to myself but right now i'm running away from the guy i'm supposed to love. As i was running i bumped into something hard and fell backwards, as i looked up i saw him my husband staring at me with an smirk on his face

"Now love why did you run away from me all i was going to do was make love to you not kill you or anything what kind of husband would that make me and father if i kill my wife and the mother of my child"I heard him say as he helped me up and i fell into his chest as he holded me close to him

"I was playing with you and why would you think that i thought you would kill me i know you wouldn't you would miss me too much"I said as i pulled away from him but still holding his hand

"I know i would plus my bed wouldn't be the same without you in it now how about we go back to camp and go the camp and make love to another then we can just chill"He said as we walked back to the camp

But i was still worrying about Violet she is growing up and that shouldn't happen not on Neverland i'm telling Peter after we made love of course can't exactly say that before we do it, we go to the camp when we saw my mother and my father holding hands and speaking to another what is going on ah well i'm waiting until they tell me, me and Peter walked in to the tent and made love to one another and it was amazing.

Felix POV:

We walked Violet to the Boarder which was the lake where the good mermaids are, the mermaids love Violet and she loves them.

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