CHAPTER 6.1: The Hunt

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When the Stablemaster notified Chief Scribe Beradin that he would not be able to send the Baron’s message to the Ealdor for three more days, the Chief Scribe knew something was wrong. No one from his office had penned such missive. Upon examination, the Chief Scribe quickly recognized that it was a forgery. He penned a message to Baron Grelig about his conclusions.

The whole thing amused the Baron. The forged letter was such a clumsy attempt at intrigue that Grelig could not take it seriously. The ridiculous missive was a welcome relief from listening to his tradesmen complaining about his decision to close the fair.

The Baron reexamined the parchment in his hands. Whoever wrote this is not nearly as clever or sophisticated as he believes. A proposal to the Ealdor is one of the last steps in a courtship.

The balance of power between the Baronies was a complex thing, depending on convoluted ties of friendship, common interests and blood between noble families. Any move made in the Witan could create shifts in this balance, and only a fool ignored the consequences. No Baron would approach the Witan with a betrothal without long discussions between the two families and discreetly soliciting opinions from his closest allies.

Usually, a Baron would begin by leaking rumors at social events through his vassals. Even after this “feeling out” stage, the game was far from over. Once the local Barons reached a consensus, the parents contrived social encounters between their children, and Traders and knights-errant inevitably spread the rumor throughout the Baronies.

Even a myopic fool like Ealdor Antenor could not be fooled by such a clumsy attempt. Only a girl immersed in love poems could be so completely ignorant about politics.

Grelig’s merriment died.

Perhaps, that girl is infatuated with Calidon.

Visions of Alynde’s beauty assaulted his mind, rendering her naïve political blunders meaningless. Fear gushed through his body. If she wants him, she’ll find a way to have him, no matter how silly her scheme. I cannot let that stupid tease stop me at the last moment.

The Baron struggled to clear his mind. In spite of his best effort, he could feel fear clogging his synapses. He compelled himself to think, despite this impediment. The quickest way to halt her nonsense is to begin her courtship with Henrick. A chaperon will shadow her every move, limiting her opportunities to create mischief.

The hunt scheduled this afternoon is the perfect place to begin.

Certain he had read the situation correctly, Grelig scrawled a hasty order to his Chief Scribe, commanding him to pen an invitation on Henrick’s behalf.

                                                                        *   *   *

Alynde dutifully bent over her sewing frame, embroidering the falcon device from Helvig’s coat of arms on her handkerchief. As an apprentice healer, she expended far more effort on her sewing than her nearby cousins: who, while ostensibly occupied with the same task, spent most of their energy and attention on gossip.

Their cheerful chatter ceased, causing Alynde to look up from her work. A tall messenger dressed in the livery of House Dannik stood above her. Seeing he had won her attention, he gracefully presented what could only be an invitation.

She deftly broke the seal with her forefinger and scanned the page, while shielding its contents from her nosy cousins. Undeterred by her reticence they both rose from their seats and crowded around her.

“Who’s it from?”

“What did it say?”

“Are you going?”

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