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-Anthony's POV-

"Dad! Please! Stop!" I screamed through tears as my dad threw his closed fist to the side of my face, adding more bruises to my body.

"You're the reason she's dead!" My father spit at me. "It's your fault!" He reeked of alcohol.

He pulled my thick black hair and threw me outside onto the dirty wooden porch.

"Now you go and don't come back you little bitch!" my father yelled.

I knew he didn't mean it, but I still walked away from my house. It might be my house, but it's never been home. Home is a feeling of safety and comfort. I've never had that here.

It would be nice to find my home. I know it's out there somewhere, waiting for me.


-Hope's POV-

The December training camp was in Denver, Colorado. Who knew winning the World Cup would be so amazing?

The victory tour was finally over and now it was time to look forward to Rio.

I arrived at the hotel and was immediately surrounded by my friends. We all went to the conference room and received our keys and schedules.

I was rooming with Kelley, my squirrel and one of best friends.

"Yay!" the squirrel screamed as she jumped into my arms. I laughed and set her down.

"So now that we're settled in can we go get food?" Tobin asked.

"DID SOMEONE SAY FOOD?!" Pinoe screams at the top of her lungs.

We all decided to go eat and to explore a bit. Mal offered to show us around so we didn't get lost.


-Anthony's POV-

It's been three weeks. One month since I've been home, since I've seen my dad.

I've been sleeping in an alley next to a dumpster, and have been stealing things from people to keep me from starving to death.

I hated it and felt guilty every day, but I had to eat. I found a black jacket and it's fairly dirty, but the warmth is comforting.

It's really cold in Colorado, especially in December. My stomach was growling so loudly I'm pretty sure people in Louisiana could hear it.

I got up from the place that I've made for myself out of newspapers and walk out of the alleyway and into the street.

A woman was walking in front of me. She seemed rich, but if she was walking she could realize sooner and try to chase me down.

I need someone who staying still or sitting, preferably a woman. Women wear heels and uncomfortable shoes sometimes so that means it would be harder for her to run after me.

I was glancing everywhere until I spotted the perfect candidate.

A tall woman with brown hair was staring into a window of a shop. I didn't see anybody with her. She was wearing black heels, not very tall ones, but still heels. A dark maroon purse hung at her hands.

I slowly walked up behind her, being careful not to make any sudden movement.

I snatched the purse and ran for my life. I heard a scream and people stared as I ran down the sidewalk. I shoved past people and never stopped running.

When I felt like I was safe and away from people, I walked into another alley and began rummaging through the purse.


-Hope's POV-

"That son of a bitch!" I yelled in anger.

"Hey it's okay." Alex tried to comfort me.

"My wallet was in there, my phone too!"

"Wait...your phone?" Carli asked.

"Yes, my phone." I replied.

"Do you still have that tracker set in it?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because we're going to find the bastard that thought it was okay to steal from you."

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