Chapter Two

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When Dylan awoke from his shock he was on a bed next to something big and warm. He looked over to what was next to him and gasped. There, next to him, was Black Donovan

The man was asleep or what seemed to be sleep. Dylan felt small and weak next to this man. Then as he watched the man he felt as if he had seen this face. A lot. He shook his head and shivered. He looked around and then his stomachs growled.

Obviously he was hungry. But he didn't know what to do. After all he was taken to this ship without his concent and he didn't know what was what around the cabin. Something in him stirred and he flew off the bed and through the door. He didn't k.ow what was compelling him to run but he knew something horrible was going to happen.

As he got to the outer parts of the ship he saw that it was night. Not knowing how long he was asleep for not caring. next thing he knew he was calling out commands to the sailors that watched at night.

"You lazy gits! This is no time to dally around we is going to hit a damned raised reef. We'll  go under if we hit it." He barked.

In seconds the men were moving and doing things to around. Dylan's heart was beating fast, freaking out about the reef. We are going to die if they don't hurry up. though it may be a mile out it can if we don't move!

Strong arms wrapped around.Dylan and he oddly began to calm down. Not even the one he was bonded to before he was taken could do that. 

"Woke up without you in bed Dyl, but I see why that is. Thanks fer saving the crew. And now that we are saved we are going back to bed my little dove." A familiar husky voice said seductively. 

"H-have we been bonded?" Dylan asked

"I believe we are considering you've been asleep.since that night four days ago and yer not dead. and I have this weird Mark on me chest." Donovan said picking up Dylan bridal style and carrying him back to the captain's quarters.

"What does it look like?" Dylan asked.For he knew from experience that each mark was always different.

"Like a river with two fish jumping out of it making a heart."

And for the second time in a short amount of time Dylan fainted in shock.

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