chapter nineteen | malia

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The ride to Khari's house was silent. The kiss we'd shared hours ago felt like it only happened minutes ago. It was possibly the best kiss I had ever had. He was very skilled in that department. I bit my lip just thinking about it. Did I truly have feelings for Khari?

"Turn here." He commanded.

I glanced at him briefly before obeying his command. I killed the engine, looking at Khari. "Where are we?" I asked as I took in the beautiful view. We'd driven to a cliff where we could see the whole district. I had lived here all of my life and have never heard of the place.

"I found it one night when I couldn't sleep." He mumbled.

I looked at him as he kept his eyes straight ahead. "You live close?" He nodded, making me sigh in relief.

"Why'd you bring me here?" I asked quietly.

He shrugged a little. "Thought we could talk."

Wrapping my coat around me securely, I returned my attention back to the view ahead. "Talk about what?" I glanced back in his direction as he bit on his lips. He seemed nervous or rather uncomfortable. I knew talking was out of his comfort zone.

"Idk. Ask me anything."

I looked at him weirdly. He brought me on a cliff, which was gorgeous by the way, to get to know one another? Didn't seem..Kharilike. He had a hard exterior. Maybe our moment on the balcony opened his eyes a bit. Whatever it was, I was intrigued to know a little more about him.

"Okkkk." I dragged, tapping my index finger on my chin. "What's your favorite color?"

He smacked his lips at my very basic question, but answered anyway. He licked his lips. "Red. I'm sure yours is green?"

Taken aback, I pierced my eyes into his wondering how he'd guessed correctly. "How did you—"

"Your room is green, the ring on your left hand has an emerald stone inside of it and your car is green. Hell, you love those olive green pants. I love them too." He winked. I smiled at his good observing skills. Someone had noticed. Someone was paying attention to me. This was foreign.

Biting my lip, I nodded my head. "You're right. But, I also love hazel." I said, pausing as I took a look into his eyes. "Khari hazel." I mumbled.

Dipping his hands into his pants pocket, he seemed to be taking it all in. It was like he was putting everything into his memory. "What's your major?" He asked.

"I'm a Political Science major with a minor in Psychology. I plan to go to law school and become a Civil Rights Attorney. Or maybe a criminal defense attorney." I explained.

"That's dope. I like that. But, why the minor in Psychology?" He inquired.

I shrugged my shoulders lightly. "I just think it'll help me understand people. I'm going to be working with so many different people and I don't like things over my head. I don't want to just understand them, but I also want to help them." He nodded, listening intently. "So, what about you mystery man?" I asked smirking. "Architecture right?"

"Dual majoring in Architecture and Political Science." He corrected.

I lifted my brow up at him. "Are you serious? The two don't even correlate."

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