chapter thirteen | malia

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"Do you think I'm too hard on her?" My mother referred to Makayla and her dancing aspirations. Personally, I believed my mother was being way too hard on her. The girl is just too talented to not be dancing.

"I believe so. Just let her dance and go to a recital.. It just would mean the world if her mother showed up." I replied as I sat the Caribbean rice on the table. I smiled at my mother's attempt to cook it. My father was half Cuban and Bajan. This was his favorite dish to make which was the hardest for my mother to cook.

We were transferring the food to the dining room. My mother had fixed dinner for the family and my friends. I wasn't sure if my friends were going to show up after what happened last night. Nonetheless, I sent the mass text and prayed for the best.

My mother ran her hands through her curly hair, sighing softly. I could tell that she had been thinking long and hard about this. Something told me that this was something much deeper. She was withholding information. My mother wasn't a bad person. However, she was stubborn as heck. Makayla inherited her ways which is why they were at each other's necks. Neither one of them wants to let up on their stance.

"We'll see." She finally said.

I nodded my head. "Where is she anyway?"

"She's at Howard for the week for some type of science program." She replied.

Her eyes glanced to the floor which caused me to quickly pick up my purse, and sit it on the table. My mother believed that if you lay your purse on the floor, you will become broke. She never allowed us to do that. She also thought that it was unladylike.

She cautiously touched my ear, looking at me. "Is it getting worse?"

I shook my head. "No ma'am. It seems to be getting better to me. But, I have a doctor's appointment this week so I will see for sure." She only nodded her head, giving me a smile.

The doorbell rung causing her to perk up. "Oh, that must be Maya and Brian."

"Good, I haven't seen Brian in so long." I sung as I went to open the door.

Brian was like the brother I never had. I grew fond of him when Maya first introduced us to him. He's funny, witty, and fun to be around. He reminds me so much of my dad which is why I think Maya adores him. They do say that you date your the man that reminds you of your father in someway, good or bad.

I swung the door open, looking at the two lovebirds. Maya turned to look at me with a smile on her face. "Sister dear." I hugged her and she placed a kiss on my head. I moved to Brian, slapping him on the arm.

"The King sisters are all abusive I see. Must be a family trait." He said, holding his arm in a dramatic fashion. He hit me back causing me to giggle. "Wassup kid?"

"Hey Brian, how are you?" I asked, closing the door behind them. Maya quickly moved into the kitchen to speak to mother. I peered up at Brian and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm good. How's school?" He asked while we joined Maya and mother in the kitchen.

"School is good. It's been an eventful freshman year."

He rose his eyebrow up at that statement. I quickly shook my head shooting down any accusations he was about to make. He pointed his finger at me giving me a warning. I laughed lightly before gently pushing him out of the way although he didn't move. Brian was the kind of men you run from because you would be afraid that he'd mess up your life. However, he was the opposite. He stood 6'4 with a 200 lb frame, dark chocolate exterior with one of those famous beards. He wore his hair in a lowcut and showed off perfectly aligned, white teeth.

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